CBSE Syllabus for Class 3 EVS 2024-2025

CBSE Class 3 Environmental Studies Syllabus

 Environmental Studies is introduced to the student for the first time in Class III as one of the main subjects. It includes topics involving the surrounding environment and daily life that the children may or may not have wondered about. This subject more or less lays the foundation for a subject that will be introduced at a higher level ( Science ) and creates analytical skills within the students.

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CBSE Class 3 EVS Syllabus Chapters List

The CBSE syllabus for Class 3 Environmental studies covers all necessary topics required by a student this age to have a thorough understanding and age-appropriate musings regarding their environment. The subjects like - family, food, plants, and animals, etc are discussed in this year's curriculum.

Chapter No Chapter Name
Chapter 1 Poonam's Day Out
Chapter 2 The Plant Fairy
Chapter 3 Water O' Water!
Chapter 4 Our First School
Chapter 5 Chhotu's House
Chapter 6 Foods We Eat
Chapter 7 Saying without Speaking
Chapter 8 Flying High
Chapter 9 It's Raining
Chapter 10 What is Cooking
Chapter 11 From Here to There
Chapter 12 Work We Do
Chapter 13 Sharing Our Feelings
Chapter 14 The Story of Food
Chapter 15 Making Pots
Chapter 16 Games we Play
Chapter 17 Here comes a Letter
Chapter 18 A House Like This
Chapter 19 Our Friends- Animal
Chapter 20 Drop by Drop
Chapter 21 Families can be Different
Chapter 22 Left-Right
Chapter 23 A Beautiful Cloth
Chapter 24 Web of Life

The chapter-wise, serialised syllabus is given below.

Questions Key Concepts/ Issues Suggested Resources Suggested Activities
1.Family and FriendsRELATIONSHIPSMy family Who all live with you at home? How are they related to each other? Do you have relatives who do not live with you? Have they always been there? How many children did your grand parents have? Who do you think will be your new relatives in future? Concept of a family; diversity in family types; Family as a support system, Ideas about relationships; Simple family tree (three generations). Child’s daily life experience; Family members. Family members, local knowledge, story/poems on different festivals. Observation, enquiry about family relations from adults, discussion.
My family and me Do you look like anybody in your family? Have you learnt anything from anybody in your family? Whom do you admire most among all your relatives? Who is the most caring and patient person? When do you meet members of your family who do not live with you? Family influences – physical characteristics, values and habits, appreciating qualities and skills of family members; family as a support system.   Observation, exploring from elders about extended family, narrating stories/singing poems related to festivals, writing about any festival, drawing.
Whom do I look like? Do some of your relatives look similar? Which features are similar – eyes, ears, the voice or height? Are there any two people in your family who look exactly alike? Concept of similarity between relations, hereditary features. Family photographs; Narrations by elders about family members when they were young. Discussion About stories/ films/jokes involving twins
Old and the physically challenged Do you know of people who are hard of hearing? Are many of them old? Do you have any friends who cannot hear/see well? Is there any way in which you may have helped them? Are there any sounds you like but others/elders do not? Sensitivity to the old and physically challenged; Introduction to the sense of hearing and sight; sensitization to the fact that the body ages, also that some children may not hear /see at all or may be partially affected. Basic idea about Braille. "Meri bahen sun nahin sakti" a book by Bharat Vigyan Samiti or any other material on differently abled children. Reading and discussion; Making different kinds of sounds and expressing likes and dislikes about them.; blindfold act, visiting any local institution that deals with the blind or any other institution.
1.2 PLANTS Plants around us How many different kinds of plants do you see around you? What are the differences you notice? What things around you are made of plants? Is there a plant in your area that was not there when your grandparents were young? Do you know of some plants which do not grow around you,say things that we eat and not grown around you? Exploring children’s ideas about a ‘plant’. Plant diversity; size, where they grow, shape, colour, aroma, etc.; dependence on plants for everyday life. Introduction of new plants/crops and changes observed by elders over time. Plants and the climate/environment. Child’s daily life experience, observation, information from grandparents/ elders, a sample/picture of a plant which is unusual in the local surroundings. Observation of different plants around, compare and classification based on simple characters; Discussion about things made of plants, pencil prints of barks, leaf prints.
Leaves in our lives What different kinds of leaves do you see? Do you use plant leaves to eat on? In what other ways are leaves used? Is there some time of the year when lots of leaves fall to the ground? Are they burnt? Have you seen a compost pit? What leaf motifs do you find on clothes, pots, walls, animals, etc.? Do you decorate your house with leaves on some occasions? Leaf diversity – colour, shape, texture, aroma, etc. Seasonal shedding of leaves; compost from leaves. Leaf designs/motifs on different objects. Child’s daily life experience, observation, a story on a compost pit. Observation, collection of different leaves, smelling different plant leaves, discussion, visit to a nearby compost pit, decorating the classroom with leaf motifs. Applying mehndi on palms in different designs.
1.3 ANIMALS Animals: small and big Which are the smallest and the biggest animals you have seen? Which have you only heard about? Which animals have tails?How many legs? Exploring children’s ideas of an ‘animal’. Child’s daily life experience, observation, stories/ poems on animals (NBT) Observation of diversity of animals around you, listing, Discussion about what they eat, were they live relative size of animals they have seen, pictures in books, animals heard about. Drawing pictures of favourite animals.
Some creepy crawlies – and flyers too What different kinds of small crawling animals do you know? Where and from what does each of them hide? Which insects can crawl and also fly? Which ones bite us? Can flies make us ill? Why does a spider make a web? Exploring children’s ideas of crawling animals, flyers and insects. Child’s daily life experience, observation, stories/ poems on insects, flyers and crawling animals (NBT) Observation, of ants, flies, spiders, crickets, cockroaches, earthworms, lizards and other animals. Discussion about them, where they live, what they eat, insect bites (wasp) etc. Drawing some of them.
Birds Which are the birds you see around your area? Do they like some trees more than others? What do they eat? Can you recognize birds by their feathers? What are the different sounds they make? Are they saying something to each other? Are there some birds that come from other places? Do you feed any birds or place water for them? Exploring children’s ideas of birds-their living places, eating habits, common features like feathers and sounds produced by them. Feeding birds. Child’s daily life experience, observation, stories/ poems on birds (NBT) Drawings of birds; mimicking different neck movements and sounds of birds, collecting feathers.
1.4 WORK AND PLAY Work around me What are the different kinds of work done around me? What work does my mother/ father/ brother/ sister etc. do? What work do I do? What work do others do? When I am not working what do I do? When my father/ mother is not working what do they do? Different occupations, idea of working time and leisure time; work inside and outside homes – gender, age, caste, economic, etc. aspects. Poem ‘Home work’ by Shyam Bahadur Namra Case study: time chart of the daily routine of a child who does a lot of housework Draw a daily time-chart for your father, mother and yourself, discussion.
Working children What kind of work was done by children when your grandparents were young? Has that changed today? Who are the children you know who work and go to school/ who work and cannot go to school? Sensitize children to other children who work at home and outside - not as a result of family neglect but more as a systemic cause. Important that all children go to school. A sense of how child labour existed in other countries before all children began to go to good common schools. Excerpt from story by Charles Dickens. Narrative describing a poor child’s/child laborers experience in a common school in another country. Reading and listening to the story/excerpts. Discussion and narratives about children making firecrackers at Shivkashi., child workers at Dhabas and auto workshops.
Games we play What games do I play? Did my grandparents play the same games? Are these indoor/outdoor? Leisure; games in school and outside, past and present; for some play is work Traditional and local games; folk toys Listing, classifying indoor and outdoor games.
2. Food Foods from plants and animals Which of these is food – red ants, bird’s nests, snakes, bananas, goat’s milk, etc.? What plants do you eat - what parts of the plant? What food do we take from animals? Appreciation of cultural diversity in food; basic ideas about various plant used as food; food from animals. Regional narratives and stories about ‘unusual’ foods mentioned. Listing and discussing about food we do or do not eat; tabulating food we take from different plants and animals. Observing and drawing different parts of plants eaten.
Cooking What do you eat that is not cooked? What is eaten only when cooked? How do you cook food? What do you cook it on? What are the different kinds of vessels used for cooking? What are they made of? Is water used in all forms of cooking? Which food is cooked without using water? How? Food may be eaten raw or cooked - steamed, boiled, baked, fried etc.; Different fuels, types of stoves; Types of vessels used in cooking, different shapes (regional/ traditional), different materials, etc. Songs/poems on food or lack of food; local knowledge about what is edible; photographs. Listing raw and cooked food; discussion on cooking methods/ materials, etc; survey to find out the types of fuels/vessels used; drawing various utensils; historical time line tracing what in the kitchen has changed and roughly when.
Eating in the family Do all members of the family eat the same food in your family? Who eats more? Who eats last in your family? Who buys the food and what is bought from the market? Who cooks the food in your family? What do babies have for food? When do babies start eating and what do they eat other than milk? Different eating practices in the family. Amount of food varying with gender, age, physical activity, etc. Cooking and gender/ caste roles in the family; Food for the baby, significance of milk. Everyday experience, local knowledge. Poems/ illustrations on gender stereotyping. Observation and asking adults, discussion. Listing of food items bought from the market/grown at home.
What animals eat Do animals eat the same things? What do different animals eat? Do you feed the animals around you - what? What do they take from your house even when not fed? only when cooked? How do you cook food? What do you cook it on? What are the different kinds of vessels used for cooking? What are they made of? Is water used in all forms of cooking? Which food is cooked without using water? How? Food of domestic and wild animals; care of domestic animals. boiled, baked, fried etc.; Different fuels, types of stoves; Types of vessels used in cooking, different shapes (regional/ traditional), different materials, etc. Stories, cartoons and films. knowledge about what is edible; photographs. Observing and listing different animals and their feeding habits,; Discussing food given to animals.; observing animals being fed, keeping food out and observing animals come and feed. cooking methods/ materials, etc; survey to find out the types of fuels/vessels used; drawing various utensils; historical time line tracing what in the kitchen has changed and roughly when.
Eating in the family Do all members of the family eat the same food in your family? Who eats more? Who eats last in your family? Who buys the food and what is bought from the market? Who cooks the food in your family? What do babies have for food? When do babies start eating and what do they eat other than milk? Different eating practices in the family. Amount of food varying with gender, age, physical activity, etc. Cooking and gender/ caste roles in the family; Food for the baby, significance of milk. Everyday experience, local knowledge. Poems/ illustrations on gender stereotyping. Observation and asking adults, discussion. Listing of food items bought from the market/grown at home.
What animals eat Do animals eat the same things? What do different animals eat? Do you feed the animals around you - what? What do they take from your house even when not fed? Food of domestic and wild animals; care of domestic animals. Stories, cartoons and films. Observing and listing different animals and their feeding habits,; Discussing food given to animals.; observing animals being fed, keeping food out and observing animals come and feed.
Do animals and plants need water? What happens if plants and animals do not get water – how do you see that a plant or animal is thirsty? Do all animals/ plants need the same amount of water? Which plants/animals need the least? Water for plants and animals. Library resource-brief information about the camel, cactus along with their pictures. Reading, Discussion; Comparison of a well watered and a wilting plant.
Water shortage When is it difficult to get water? Are there some people in your area who always face water shortage? What would happen if we had no water? Have you seen water being wasted – how? How can we avoid it? Do you reuse water? Water scarcity, wastage and recycling, water harvesting. Newspaper clippings about water shortage/ water being wasted. Poster making/ writing activity in groups with a message of saving water.
Water in our lives Which of your daily activities use water? Do you and others you know wash your hands and feet before you enter the house? Why do you think this is done? Can you describe the scene of a rainy day – with details about birds, animals, plants and yourself. Use of water in different activities; cultural expressions about water/ rain/ rivers; observations related to rain and the response of plants and animals. Library resources, observations related to daily life. Songs about water/river/rain? Enacting different activities that utilise water/ a rainy day, listing the activities in which water is used, singing rain/river/ water songs/poems together in the class.
Storing water How do you store water in your home? Do you collect rainwater - how? How much water do you store every day? About how much do you use for drinking or bathing? In what kinds of containers do you store water for drinking/ washing/or for animals? What are the containers made of ? If the water is at the same level in a narrow and a broad container does it mean they contain the same amount of water? Measurement of volume in terms of non-standard units such as buckets, pots, etc. Estimates of quantities used for different domestic activities; safe handling of water. Containers made of different shapes and materials to store water for different purposes; Conceptual development of conservation of volume. Child’s daily life experience, bottles of different shapes/sizes/ materials; Panchtantra story. Drawings of different containers. Measurement activities; demonstration to help the understanding of conservation of volume. Touching different containers and discussing about their material.
5. Travel Going places Has your family traveled together to another place? Where and what for? How did you go? How long did it take? How far did your grandparents (or other elderly persons) travel when they were young? How did people travel in those times? How do people travel today in the desert, hilly areas, on sea, etc. Need for travel, travel within the locality and beyond; travel to different social spaces – forest, village, city, etc.; travel for migration, sight-seeing, family occasions. Story of a journey along the river, mountain, etc. Reading and Discussion, Drawing a village / sea/ forest /mountain scene.
Ways to travel How do we go to school? How do we travel to other places? How many different ways have we travelled? How many different ways of travel do we know of? Have you been to a railway station? What all do you seen there? Who are the people who work at the station and on the train? How did people travel in the past? Different modes of transport; short distance, long distance, newer ways of traveling. Different kinds of workers associated with railways/station. Pictures of modes of transport; Collect pictures of different modes of transport; classify them into different types of transport; enact a train journey/railway station, Observations of activities at the station like loading, weighing, washing trains, signaling, selling tea, level crossing, etc
Talking without speaking If I cannot speak, how do I tell people what I want to say? Communication without speaking, Use of sign language, dance mudra’s. Sign language, dance mudra’s. Playing dumb charades, enacting situations without speaking, learning sign language, practicing mudra’s.
Mailing a letter What happens when I post a letter? How does it reach my friend? Who are the people who help to do this? Are there any other ways of sending a message? How was a letter sent in the past? Letter as a means of communication, work and people associated with the post office; different means of communication, changes with time. Local post office, different samples of letters- inland, post card, greeting card, etc. Discussion with workers at the post office. Trip to local post office, Observing sorting, stamping, weighing etc.
6. Things we Make and Do Pottery What kinds of pots do we see around us? What containers are used to store grain? What kinds of containers did people make long, long back with rings of clay- when they did not have a potter’s wheel? Can you make such pots and dry them in the sun – how long do you think these will last? How does the potter bake them? To meet basic needs human beings make things; need natural resources, creativity; have changed the way we live. An idea of the earliest pots made for storage of grain – when there was no potters wheel. The experience of making such pots with clay; drying and the need to bake them for greater strength. Narratives and illustrations of pots and containers made in early times – with rings of clay (e.g., Social Studies book by Eklavya). Making pots of clay; also with rings; with different types of clay; drying in the sun; talking to potters or brick makers to find out how these are burnt/ baked in furnaces. Making different ornaments etc. with clay.
Textiles In how many different ways can you wear a long cloth that is not stitched? How many kinds of sarees or lungis have you seen worn by people from different parts of the country? How many different colours do we know of – how many new ones can we create? What are fast colours and what problems do we face when colours run? How do we make our own vegetable block prints and tie and dye? Diversity in types of clothing we were; even with unstitched clothing. Colours and design are used in textiles; scope for creativity; vegetable dyes. The idea of different styles of dress; traditional unstitched clothing and different styles of draping it. Some idea of mixing colours to make new ones; fast colours and colours that run; tie and dye; block printing and making our own blocks with vegetables. Samples of blocks, dyes. Activity to wear/drape a dupatta or long cloth in different styles to emulate what different people do and also to create their own designs. Play with colours and colour mixing;Using dyes to dye cloth; making blocks with potato or ladies fingers for printing on paper.

Objectives of Environmental Studies

The present syllabus is designed to forge an integrated perspective for the primary stage of schooling that draws upon insights from Sciences, Social Sciences, and Environmental Education. The National Curriculum Framework 2005 indicates some of the objectives of teaching science and Social Sciences at the primary stage as follows:

  • To train children to locate and comprehend relationships between the natural, social and cultural environment;
  • To develop an understanding based on observation and illustration, drawn from lived experiences and physical, biological, social and cultural aspects of life, rather than abstractions;
  • To create cognitive capacity and resourcefulness to make the child curious about social phenomena, starting with the family and moving on to wider spaces;
  • To nurture the curiosity and creativity of the child, particularly in relation to the natural environment (including artifacts and people);
  • To develop an awareness about environmental issues;
  • To engage the child in exploratory and hands-on activities to acquire basic cognitive and psychomotor skills through observation, classification, inference, etc.;
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Frequently Asked Questions

There are 24 chapters in the CBSE Class 3 syllabus for EVS.

You can get the free PDF for CBSE Syllabus Class 3 Math on the website of Orchids International School.

To prepare for the Class 3 EVS exam effectively, learn the key concepts given in the syllabus. Additionally, practice each question given in the textbook and revise the topics thoroughly.

Some of the good resources for studying Class 3 EVS are NCERT textbooks, worksheets, and practice materials from some reputed schools like the Orchids International School.

The concepts covered in the CBSE Class 3 syllabus are very basic which helps students to understand the fundamentals and lay a solid foundation for higher classes.