CBSE Syllabus for Class 4 Maths 2024-2025

CBSE Class 4 Maths Syllabus

Math is both an important and challenging subject as there are so many formulas, students may struggle to remember them. The CBSE Class 4 Maths Syllabus is exclusively adapted in a cohesive manner by the subject matter experts in Mathematics to help students understand better and perform well in the exam. So, students are recommended to follow the CBSE Syllabus and practise as many problems as possible in order to have a firm grasp on the subject.

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Have a look at the latest CBSE maths syllabus for class 4 and you can download it in the form of pdf as well.

2024-25 CBSE Class 1 Maths Syllabus

Geometry (16 hrs.)

Shapes and Spatial Understanding

  • Draws a circle free hand and with compass.
  • Identifies center, radius and diameter of a circle.
  • Uses Tangrams to create different shapes.
  • Tiles geometrical shapes: using one or two shapes.
  • Chooses a tile among a given number of tiles that can tile a given region both intuitively and experimentally.
  • Explores intuitively the area and perimeter of simple shapes.
  • Makes 4-faced, 5-faced and 6- faced cubes from given nets especially designed for the same.
  • Explores intuitively the reflections through inkblots, paper cutting and paper folding.
  • Reads and draws 3-D objects, making use of the familiarity with the conventions used in this.
  • Draws intuitively the plan, elevation and side view of simple objects.

Numbers (40 hrs.)


  • Writes multiplication facts.
  • Writes tables up to 10 × 10.
  • Multiplies two and three digit numbers using lattice algorithm and the standard (column) algorithm. 
  • Divides a given number by another number in various ways such as: – by drawing dots. – by grouping. – by using multiplication facts. – by repeated subtraction.
  • Applies the four operations to life situations.
  • Frames word problems.
  • Estimates sums, differences and products of given numbers


  • Adds and subtracts multiples of 10 and 100, mentally. 
  • Completes multiplication facts by adding partial products, mentally (e.g. 7 × 6 = 5 × 6 + 2 × 6).


  • Identifies half, one fourth and three- fourths of a whole. 
  • Identifies the symbols, ½, ¼, ¾. 
  • Explains the meaning of ½, ¼ and ¾. 
  • Appreciates equivalence of 2/4 and 1/2; and of 2/2, 3/3, 4/4 and 1. Money (5 hrs.)


  • Converts Rupees to Paisa.
  • Adds and subtracts amounts using column addition and subtraction with regrouping. 
  • Uses operations to find totals, change, multiple costs and unit cost. 
  • Estimates roughly the totals and total cost.

Measurement (21hrs.)


  • Relates meter with centimeter; 
  • Converts meters into centimeters and vice versa. 
  • Solves problems involving length and distances. 
  • Estimates length of an object and distance between two given locations.


  • Weighs objects using a balance and standard units. 
  • Determines sums and differences of weights. 
  • Estimates the weight of an object and verifies using a balance.


  • Measures volumes of given liquid using containers marked with standard units. 
  • Determines sums and differences of volumes. 
  • Estimates the volume of a liquid contained in a vessel and verifies by measuring.


  • Computes the number of weeks in a year. 
  • Correlates the number of days in a year with the number of days in each month. 
  • Justifies the reason for the need of a leap year. 
  • Reads clock time to the nearest hours and minutes. 
  • Expresses time, using the terms, ‘a.m.’ and ‘p.m.’ 
  • Estimates the duration of familiar events. 
  • Finds approximate time elapsed by (to the nearest hour) forward counting. 
  • Computes the number of days between two dates. 

Data Handling (6 hrs.)

  • Collects data and represents in the form of bar graphs; 
  • Draws Inferences by discussing with the teacher.

Patterns (6hrs.)

  • Identifies patterns in multiplication and division: multiples of 9, 
  • Casts out nines from a given number to check if it is a multiple of nine. 
  • Multiplies and divides by 10s, 100s. 
  • Identifies geometrical patterns based on symmetry.

CBSE Syllabus Class 4 Maths Chapters List

Chapter No Chapter Name
Chapter 1 Building with Bricks
Chapter 2 Long and Short
Chapter 3 A Trip to Bhopal
Chapter 4 Tick-Tick-Tick
Chapter 5 The Way The World Looks
Chapter 6 The Junk Seller
Chapter 7 Jugs And Mugs
Chapter 8 Carts And Wheels
Chapter 9 Halves And Quarters
Chapter 10 Play with Patterns
Chapter 11 Tables and Shares
Chapter 12 How Heavy? How Light?
Chapter 13 Fields And Fences
Chapter 14 Smart Charts

The above-mentioned CBSE class 4 math syllabus will be covered in the following chapters from the NCERT class 4 Math book which are provided to the students:

So, now you must have got a clear understanding of the CBSE Math Syllabus for Class 4. We hope that you find this detailed information on Math Syllabus useful for your studies and preparation of your class 4 exams.

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Frequently Asked Questions

There are 13 chapters in the CBSE Class 4 syllabus for Maths. 

You can get the free PDF for CBSE Syllabus Class 4 on the website of Orchids International School. 

To prepare for the Class 4 Maths exam effectively, learn the key concepts given in the syllabus. Additionally, practice each question given in the textbook and revise the topics thoroughly. 

Some of the good resources for studying Class 4 Maths are NCERT textbooks, worksheets and practice materials from some reputed schools like the Orchids International School. 

The concepts covered in the CBSE Class 4 syllabus are very basic which helps students to understand the fundamentals and lay a solid foundation for higher classes.