CBSE Syllabus for Class 6 Science 2024-2025

CBSE Class 6 Science Syllabus

Science is a core subject and plays a key in learning about the world. It comprises biology, chemistry, and physics in a balanced way to create a basic grasp on the ideas to be delved into deeper later. The CBSE syllabus guidelines for this year solely focus on one book that takes the students through all the topics.

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The curriculum for the session 2024-2025 for class VI science includes the following topics, covering a wide range of concepts essential for the student’s development.

  1. Food
    • Sources of food
    • Components of food
    • Cleaning food
  2. Materials
    • Materials of daily use
    • Different kinds of materials
    • How things change/ react with one another
  3. The World of the Living
    • Things around us
    • The habitat of the living
    • Plants – form and function
    • Animals – form and function
  4. Moving Things, People, and Ideas
    • Moving
  5. How things work
    • Electric current and circuits
    • Magnets
  6. Natural Phenomena
    • Rain, thunder, and lightning
    • Light
  7. Natural Resources
    • Importance of water
    • Importance of air
    • Waste

CBSE Syllabus Class 6 Science Chapters List

The CBSE syllabus for Class 6 Science for the academic year 2024-2025 includes chapters that simplify and ease learning. Following are the chapters from the NCERT Class 6 Science Textbook:

Chapter No Chapter Name
Chapter 1 Food Where does it come from
Chapter 2 Components of Food
Chapter 3 Fiber To Fabric
Chapter 4 Sorting Materials into Groups
Chapter 5 Separation of Substances
Chapter 6 Changes Around Us
Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants
Chapter 8 Body Movements
Chapter 9 The Living Organisms Characteristics and Habitats
Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances
Chapter 11 Light, Shadows and Reflections
Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits
Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets
Chapter 14 Water
Chapter 15 Air Around Us
Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage Out

Key Concepts And Objectives

Questions Key Concepts Resources Activities/ Processes
1. Food Sources of food What are the various sources of our food? What do other animals eat? Components of food What is our food made up of ? Why do we eat a variety of food? Cleaning food How do we separate the grains after harvesting the wheat /rice crop? Plant parts and animal products as sources of food; herbivores, carnivores, omnivores. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fibres, their sources and significance for human health; balanced diet; diseases and disabilities due to food deficiencies. Threshing, winnowing, hand picking, sedimentation, filtration. Examples of food from different parts of plants and of food from animals sources. Mid Day Meal; Charts, pictures/films of children suffering from food deficiencies and disabilities. Talking to some elders about practices after harvesting the crop; kit materials. (Periods - 20)Germination of seeds such as mung, chick pea etc.; preparing a chart on food habits of animals and food culture of different regions of India.Studying the variety of food in different regions in India; preparing a menu of balanced diet in the context of the diversity of foods eaten in different parts of the country. Classifying foods according to food components; test for starch, sugars, proteins and fats. Discussion on threshing, winnowing, handpicking; experiments on sedimentation, filtration. Separating mixture of salt and sand.
2. Materials Materials of daily use What are our clothes How much salt can be dissolved in a cup of water? Different types of cloth Solubility, saturated solutions. Amount of substance dissolving varies with temperature. At the same temperature amounts of different substances that dissolve varies. Sharing of prior Salt, sugar and other common substances, kit items. (Periods - 26) Whole class discussion. ripening of fruit, curdling of milk. Experiments for testing the solubility of commonly available substances. Experiments on the effect of heating and cooling on solubility. Comparison of solubilities of different substances using non- standard units (eg. spoon, paper cone).
3. The World of the Living Things around us Are all things around us living? What is the difference between living and non-living? Are all living things similar? Do all living things move? Where do plants and animals live? Can we grow plants in the dark?The habitat of the living How does habitat affect plants and animals? How do fish live in water? Plants – form and function What is the structure and function of various parts of the plants - stem, leaf and roots? How do different flowers differ from one another? How does one study flowers? Animals – form and function What is inside our bodies? How do animals move? Do all animals have bones in their bodies? How do fishes move? And birds fly? What about snakes, snails, earthworms? Living/non-living characteristics; habitat; biotic, abiotic (light, temperature, water, air, soil, fire) Habitat varies – aquatic, deserts, mountains etc. plants and animals show adaptation; other plant part modifications like tendrils, thorns etc. Animals in deserts and water.Morphological structure and function of root, stem and leaves. Structure of the flower, differences.Structure and functions of the animal body; Human skeletal system, some other animals e.g. fish, bird, cockroach, snail. Recollection of diversity of living organisms and the habitat where they live. Potted plants or seeds, pots, etc; thermometer,any water plants, any xerophytic plants, Information on desert and aquatic plants and animals. Plants, flowers, blade, hand lens.Observation of nature; model of skeleton, X-rays of arms or legs, chest, hips, jaws, vertebral column (could be given in the textbook). (Periods - 36) Listing of things around us, listing of characteristics after making observations say on size, colour, shape etc., categorisation; observations on habitat; observing germination of seeds, also observing under dark conditions; growth and development of domestic animals, hatching of birds’ eggs etc., developing drawing skills. Listing the diverse set of living organisms around us; prepare herbarium specimens of different leaves, plants; studying modifications in plants and animals; observing how different environmental factors (water availability, temperature) affect living organisms; Studying plant parts – types of stems, roots, leaves, seeds; experiment to show conduction by stem, activity to show anchorage by roots, absorption by roots. Study of any flower, counting number of parts, names of parts, cutting sections of ovary to observe ovules. Activities to study X-rays, find out the direction in which joints bend, feel the ribs, backbone etc. Observation/ discussion on movement and skeletal system in other animals.
4. Moving Things, People and Ideas Moving How did people travel from one place to another in earlier times? How did they know how far they had travelled? contexts for measuring How do we know that distances. something is moving? How do we know how far it has moved Need to measure distance (length). Measurement of length. Motion as change in position with time. Everyday experience; equipment (scale etc.) to measure length. Stories for developing Measuring lengths and distances. Observation of different types of moving objects on land, in air, water and space. Identification and discrimination of various types of motion. Demonstrating objects having more than one type of movement (screw motion, bicycle wheel, fan, top etc.) Observing the periodic motion in hands of a clock / watch, sun, moon, earth.
5. How things work Electric current and circuits How does a torch work? Do all materials allow current to flow through them?Magnets What is a magnet? Where on a magnet do things stick? How is a magnet used to find direction? How do two magnets behave when brought close to each other? Electric current: Electric circuit (current flows only when a cell and other components are connected in an unbroken loop) Conductor, Insulator.Magnet. Poles of a magnet. A freely suspended magnet always aligns in a particular direction. North and South poles. Like poles repel and unlike poles attract each other. Torch: cell, bulb or led, wires, key. Mica, paper, rubber, plastic, wood, glass metal clip, water, pencil (graphite), etc. Magnet, iron pieces. Magnet, iron pieces, iron filings, paper. Bar magnet, stand, thread, compass. Two bar magnets, thread, stand. (Periods - 28) Activity using a bulb, cell and key and connecting wire to show flow of current and identify closed and open circuits. Making a switch. Opening up a dry cell. Experiment to show that some objects (conductors) allow current to flow and others (insulators) do not. Demonstrating how things are attracted by a magnet. Classification of objects into magnetic/ non-magnetic classes. Activity to locate poles of a magnet; activity with iron filings and paper. Activities with suspended bar magnet and with compass needle. Activities to show that like poles repel and unlike poles attract.
6. Natural Phenomena Rain, thunder and lightning Where does rain come from? How do clouds form? Light Which are the things we can see through?Magnets What is a magnet? Where on a magnet do things stick? How is a magnet used to find direction? How do two magnets behave when brought close to each other? Evaporation and condensation, water in different states. Water cycle.Classification of various materials in terms of transparent, translucent and opaque. Magnet. Poles of a magnet. A freely suspended magnet always aligns in a particular direction. North and South poles. Like poles repel and unlike poles attract each other. Everyday experience; kit items. Previous experience, candle/torch/lamp, white paper, cardboard box, black paper. Magnet, iron pieces. Magnet, iron pieces, iron filings, paper. Bar magnet, stand, thread, compass. Two bar magnets, thread, stand. Condensation on outside of a glass containing cold water; activity of boiling water and condensation of steam on a spoon. Simple model of water cycle. Discussion on three states of water. (Periods - 26) Discussion, observation; looking across different materials at a source of light. Demonstrating how things are attracted by a magnet. Classification of objects into magnetic/ non-magnetic classes. Activity to locate poles of a magnet; activity with iron filings and paper. Activities with suspended bar magnet and with compass needle. Activities to show that like poles repel and unlike poles attract.
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Frequently Asked Questions

There are 16 chapters in the CBSE Class 6 syllabus for Science. 

You can get the free PDF for CBSE Syllabus Class 6 Math on the website of Orchids International School. 

To prepare for the Class 6 Science exam effectively, learn the key concepts given in the syllabus. Additionally, practice each question given in the textbook and revise the topics thoroughly. 

Some of the good resources for studying Class 6 Science are NCERT textbooks, worksheets, and practice materials from some reputed schools like the Orchids International School. 

The concepts covered in the CBSE Class 6 syllabus are very basic which helps students to understand the fundamentals and lay a solid foundation for higher classes.