Homophones and Homonyms : for Class 4 English

It's necessary to know words with more than one meaning, which are homophones. The words of the same sound are called homonyms, but they mean completely different. It is important not to misinterpret what is being said because of these words. Here in this chapter, students of class 4 will get an idea of these words in English grammar. They will study the definition and examples and common mistakes made while using them in sentences.

In this learning concept, the students will learn:

  • Homonyms and homophones word with sentences
  • The difference between homophones and homonyms
  • homonyms examples with pictures

Each concept has been thoroughly explained in an easy-to-understand for class 4 students using diagrams, examples, and concept maps. You can evaluate your learning by answering the two printable worksheets given at the end of the page.

Download the free printable homophones worksheet and check the solutions for the concept that are provided in PDF format.

What are Homophones?

‘Homo’ means ‘same’ and ‘phones’ means ‘sound’ hence, Homophones are pairs of words that sound the same but have different spelling and meaning. Understanding homophones is an essential part of learning the English and building vocabulary.



Homophones Used in Sentences:

Look at the words used in the sentences given below:

  1. Can see the sea very clearly with my binoculars.
  2. Betty bought some bitter butter.
  3. Get some chicken from the kitchen.

What are Homonyms?

  • The word ‘homo’ meaning ‘the same’ and ‘nyms’ means ‘name’.
  • Homonyms are words that sound alike but have different meaning. They sound same and spelt the same.


1. Bat: flying bird / a playing instrument to hit a ball.
2. Knead: to press the dough to make bread.
3. Need: a want to have something
4. Ring: a circular object /circular band on the finger..


Given below is the list of homophones and homonyms.

Alphabet Homophones Homonyms
a Accept-take in Except-other than Rose –flower Rose- to rise
b Band-a ring Band-a group of musicians Tie –to tie something Tie- a thin piece of cloth worn around the neck
c Cent -a penny (U.S currency), coin Scent -odour Nail-hard layer which covers the finger Nail- a small thin metal
d Desert-to abandon Desert-dry land Prey –an animal or bird that is hunted or killed Pray –to speak to god
e Eye- organ to see I -self, first personal pronoun Cell –The smallest living part Sell –to give something in return of money
f Fair- equal Fare- price Need –want Knead-press or squeeze mixture
g Greece- country Grease-fat Can- ability Can –a metal or plastic container
h Hair-strands growing on the head Hare-rabbit like animal Soul –The spiritual part of the person Sole –only
i I -first pronoun Eye –organ used for seeing Lie- To refuse the truth Lye- a strong solution
k New –not old Knew -did know Ruler- a scale to measure Ruler –who rules the country
l Lessen -to less Lesson -class lesson Sink – a large open container used in kitchen to was Sink –to move downwards
m Made –did make Maid-servant Watch –object which tells time Watch-to observe someone
n Night – part of day when its dark Knight -soldiers of a kingdom Ship-to send or carry something from one place to another Ship-a large boat
o One –the number Won-first in game or competition Right –correct Right –direction
p Principal- head of school Principle- most important rules Fly-to travel or carry something in aircraft Fly-an insect
r Read- to say written words Reed- a plant which grows near lake Die – to stop living Dye –to colour
s Sun – a star which give heat and light to earth Son -a male child Palm-inner surface of your hand Palm-tree
t Then-later Than-used while comparing things Park –an open area with trees Park –to leave a vehicle at a place for sometime
v Vary –to be different from each-other Very -extreme Wave –a line of water moving across the sea Wave –to move out your hand side to side in air
w Wear- to have clothes or jewellery on body Where -what place or location Trip-a journey Trip –shuts off electricity
y Yolk –nutrient portion of egg Yoke -long piece of wood fix at the neck of animals  

Common Error:

Many words in English sound identical when spoken. So we commonly pick the wrong one while writing. Although, the sounds of these words are similar, the meaning can be different. When writing these homophones, use the correct homophone in the sentence.


  1. Principle -(moral code)-I live by my principles.

    Principal- (in charge of school)-The principal will meet my parent’s tomorrow.

  2. Weather--(climate)-The weather is pleasant today.

    Whether--(choice)-Tell me whether you like it or not.

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