Pronouns : Personal Pronouns for Class 3 English

Personal pronouns are useful while writing or speaking as they help to write clear sentences. This concept includes the personal pronoun definition, examples, and forms - subject and object pronouns. You can revise pronouns for pronouns like ‘ours’ and ‘their’ on the Orchids International School website.

The students will learn to:

  • Define the Types of personal pronouns - first person, second person, and third person with examples.
  • Use personal pronouns in sentences.

This concept for class 3 have been explained remarkably by using pictures, diagrams , and tables. Students can also make an effort to answer the two printable and downloadable personal pronouns worksheet pdf provided at the end of the page to assess their understanding. They can verify their answers with the solutions provided for these worksheets in PDF format.


  • Pronouns are words that are used instead of nouns. Words like he, it, she, we, you are used so that the names of people or things are not used repeatedly.
  • They make the meaning of your sentences clearer.
  • Pronouns are used to add variety to a sentence.


Sanjay has always loved cars. Sanjay announced that Sanjay wants to study Automobile Engineering. ❌

Explanation of Example

If you keep repeating “Sanjay” over and over again, it sounds repetitive.
You could try to bring variety to the narration by using pronouns.

Sanjay has always loved cars. He announced that he wants to study Automobile Engineering. ✅

Subject and Object Pronouns

Subject Pronouns
  • Subject pronouns are the pronouns that performs an action in a sentence. They are used as the subject of a verb in a sentence.
Subject Pronouns
  • The subject is the noun just before the verb. It is the person or thing or animal that performs the action.

Subject Pronouns Examples:

    1. My name is Rishi. I own a house and a car.
    2. She is the best cricket player in the team.
    3. He wakes up early daily.
    4. We visit the gold club every Sunday.
    5. They helped her to recover from the disease.
    6. You should consult a doctor immediately.
    7. It looks yummy.

Object Pronouns

  • An object pronoun is a word that is used instead of an object noun in a sentence. They are also called objective pronouns.
  • The object of a sentence is the person, or thing or animal that receives the action.

Object Pronoun Examples:

    1. My brother is very friendly. Everyone likes him.
    2. They always respected her.
    3. She started loving them as her own.
    4. Nature teaches us to be humble.
    5. Did you do it?
    6. Pamela knows me.
    7. She helped you.
Object Pronouns

Types of Personal Pronouns

Singular and Plural- Subject and Object

Let’s look at the comparison of the Singular and plural subjects and objects by looking at the table below:

Noun Type Subject Object
1st person singular I me
2nd person singular you you
3rd person singular he/she/it him/her/it


Noun Type Subject Object
1st person plural we us
2nd person plural you you
3rd person plural they them

Each pronoun should match the type of noun that it replaces.

  • When referring to people use the pronoun ‘who’.
  • When referring to things use ‘that’.
  • When referring to time use ‘when’.
  • When referring to places use ‘where’.

Common Mistakes:

1. Using the wrong pronoun in sentences.

    If a singular noun is used, the pronoun that replaces the noun must be singular. If the noun is      plural, the pronoun too must be plural.


    1. Since ‘book’ is singular (there is only one), use a singular pronoun ‘it’ as its replacement.

                 Suman changed her book as it had few missing pages. ✅

                 Suman changed her book because her book had few missing pages.❌

                 Instead of using ‘her book’ twice we can use a pronoun.

              b. Since ‘guests’ is plural, use a plural pronoun to replace it.

                  When the guest arrives at the venue, they are greeted with a welcome drink.✅

                  When the guests arrive at the venue, the guests are greeted with a welcome drink. ❌

2. Each and every

    ‘Each’ and ‘every’ are singular words. Always use a singular pronoun in sentences that                 contain ‘each’ and every’.


   Each motorbike pollutes the environment.❌

  Every motorbike pollutes the environment.✅

    Each denotes two or more items, and every denotes three or more items.

3. Do not confuse between 1st person, 2nd person and 3rd person singular and plural pronouns.


   I know a man who stays in the forests of Madhya Pradesh.✅

   I know a man that stays in the forests of Madhya Pradesh.❌

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