Prefix and Suffix for Class 4 English

Concept : Make Synonyms and Antonyms

In this chapter, synonyms and antonyms are explained to the students with definitions and examples. They will also learn how synonyms and antonyms will help develop their vocabulary.

In this learning concept, the students will learn the following:

  • To make antonyms by using a prefix.
  • To find antonyms and synonyms.

Each concept is explained to class 4 students using examples, illustrations, and concept maps. After you go through this chapter, assess your learning by solving the two printable worksheets at the page’s end.

Download the worksheets and check your answers with the worksheet solutions for the concept, Prefix and Suffix provided in PDF format.

What are Synonyms?

Synonym is a word or phrase that has the same meaning as another word in the same language. ‘Syno’ means same, and ‘nym’ means name. If the meaning is not the same, the words have a very similar meaning in context.


Close-Shut Sofa-Couch


Why are Synonyms Important?

  • Synonyms provide a variety of words that can be used in speech and writing. Also, when you are aware of synonyms, you avoid repetition of the word.
  • Sometimes, there may be more than one meaning of a particular word. The meaning of the word can only be used according to the usage in the sentence.

Check the list of examples:

house, home, abode


Group of Synonyms
afraid, scared, frightened car, vehicle, automobile
big, large, huge blank, empty, hollow
bunny, rabbit, hare cap, hat
center, middle, inside sofa, couch
evil, bad, wicked famous, well-known, popular
funny, silly garbage, trash, waste
hide ,cover ,conceal gloomy, sad, unhappy
afraid, scared, frightened car, vehicle, automobile
happy, joyful, glad  
ill, sick, unwell idea thought
jog, run listen, hear
little, small, tiny, mini look, see, glance
mad, angry, furious mother, mom, mama
neat, tidy, spotless present, gift, reward
quick, fast, rapid, swift quiet, silent
rest ,relax, calm rock ,pebble ,stones
rug, carpet sack, bag
sniff, smell, strange, odd, weird

What are Antonyms?

  • Antonyms are words that are opposite to a word in the same language.
  • It originates from the Greek word ‘anti’, which stands for opposite, and ‘nym’ for the name.


a) Hot – cold b) Up-down

Check the other examples:

Pair of Antonyms
Add -subtract After -before Last – first
Above – below Aware -asleep Lost – found
Bad – good Better – worse On-off
Big -little Clean – dirty Less -More
Cold- hot Dark – light High -low
East-west Even – odd Rich -poor
False – true Float – sink Lost -found
In – out Hard -soft Fail-pass
Love-hate Present – absent Quick – slow
Polite -rude Rough – smooth Same – different
Sell - buy Stop-go White – black
Win -lose Wet – dry Young- old

Use Prefix to Create Antonyms

Prefix and suffix are the letters that are added to the main word to change the meaning of the main word. We use all different prefixes and suffixes in our daily speech and writing. For instance, Happy –unhappy, Finished –unfinished, and Lucky –unlucky.


We can see that we added the prefix ‘un’ to the word friendly. The word ‘un’ means ‘not’; hence Shaman is not friendly to everyone

a) Rohan looks friendly;he shares his tiffin with everyone. b) Shaman looks unfriendly; he is always rude to everyone.

Meaning of Prefixes

Prefix changes in the meaning of a word since some prefixes in the own meaning. Most of the prefixes change the words with the negative words.

Prefix Meaning Sample Words
dis- Not, opposite of Dislike
in, im Not Incorrect, impossible
mis Incorrectly Misunderstand
re Again Revision
un Not Interesting
under Below, lower than Underwater, underdeveloped

Use Suffix to Make Antonyms

A suffix is a group of letters added at the end of the word to change its meaning completely.


  • Present – presentable
  • Advise -advisable
  • Comfort – comfortable

Use Suffix to Make Synonyms:

A suffix is a word part added to the end of a word that changes the word’s meaning.


Suffix Meaning Example
-an,-ian One who is, or does related to. Human, agrarian
-ant,-ent Performing or being. Important, independent.
-ish Having the quality of Selfish, Spanish, bookish.
-ion Action or process. Section, portion, region, location


Common Errors with Incorrect Prefixes and Suffixes:

  1. Sometimes there could be confusion in using the correct prefix. Using incorrect or similar meaning prefixes to frame antonyms.


        The other team is so strong that ours is at unadvantage

        The other team is so strong that ours team is at a disadvantage

     2. There are times when incorrect usage of a suffix in a sentence.


         She is beautiness

         She is beautiful


Concept : Changing Nouns into Adjectives

Often to modify other nouns, words are changed into adjectives. Students of class 3 will learn how to change a noun into an adjective by adding suffixes or prefixes. Apart from that, the common mistakes that could occur while doing so are also clearly defined.

In this learning concept, the students will study:

  • Root word definition.
  • To add suffix to a noun.
  • To add prefix to a noun.
  • add a prefix or suffix to make new words
  • Noun to adjective list of examples

The class 3 English students are taught this concept using examples, illustrations, and concept maps. They can self-evaluate their learning by attempting to solve the two printable topic-based worksheets given at the end of the page. After going through the topic, students can download the worksheets and check the solutions provided in PDF format.

What is a Root Word?

  • A root word is the main or the base part of the word. The main word is used to create another word using a prefix or a suffix.
  • To change the meaning of the word, either a prefix is added in front of a root word, or a suffix is added to the root word.
  • A suffix is a group of letters added to the root word.

Root Words with Prefix and Suffix

For some words, both prefix and suffix can be added like the words given below.


Root Word Prefix + Root Word Root Word +Suffix
friends unfriendly
  • friendly
  • friendship
normal abnormal
  • normality
  • normalize
mature immature
  • maturity

Adding Suffixes to the Root Word

  • If you see words with the suffix –ment, it is likely to be a noun.
  • The new word is slightly different from the root word or original word.
  • In the table below, the word with the suffix -ful has changed verbs to adjectives and the suffix -ment and -ion have changed verbs to nouns.
Suffix Words New Word
-ful Forget, use Forgetful, useful
-ment State, govern Statement, government
-ion Create Creation

How Spelling Changes When Adding Suffixes?

  • Often the suffixes cause spelling changes to the original word.
  • The letter ‘e’ is dropped off the root word to create a new word.
  • The last letter ‘e’ of a word drops when the –ion is added.


  1. Beauty, duty + -ful ? beautiful, dutiful (-y changes to –i)
  2. Heavy, ready + -ness ? heaviness, readiness (-y changes to –i)
  3. Able, possible + -its ? ability, possibility (le changes to li)
  4. Permit, omit +-ion ? permission, omission (-t changes to ss)

Common Suffixes

Check out these common suffix examples.


Suffix Examples of Noun
-age Village, baggage, postage
-al Arrival, burial
-ance,-ence Freedom, boredom
-ee Employee, trainee
-er,-or Driver, director
-hood Brotherhood, childhood
-ism Socialism
-ist Capitalist, socialist
-ity,-ty Equality, cruelty
-ness Happiness, kindness

A. Adjective Suffixes:

Adding a specific ending to a word can change a word from a noun to an adjective.

Suffix Examples of Adjectives
-able,-ible Drinkable, flexible
-al Formal, Postal
-en Broken, wooden
-ful Beautiful ,useful
-ish Spanish, childish
-ive Active, passive
-ian Canadian, Persian
-less Careless, hopeless
-ly Monthly, daily
-ous Famous, cautious


This game is not playable.

(The suffix ‘able’ forms an adjective here)

B. Verb Suffixes:

In a sentence, you use a verb to show an action. Few verb suffixes that you might use in a sentence are given below:

Suffix Examples of Words
-ate Complicate, irritate
-en Harden, soften
-if Beautify ,identify


    1. He plays football.

                 (The suffix ‘s’ is added to the word play)

              b. He played tennis.

                  (Here the word ‘ed’ is added to make past tense)

              c. He had played poorly.

                 (The word ‘ed’ is added to make a past participle.)

C. Adverb Suffixes:

Adverbs are important because they convey information about adjectives or verbs. Suffixes like ‘ly’ are frequently used to make adverbs. Check out these adverb suffix examples.

Suffix Examples of Words
-ly Easily, quickly
-ward Inward, outward
-wise Anticlockwise, clockwise y


He made a comment playfully.

(The word ‘fully’ forms here is an adverb)

D. Change words from Noun form to Adjectives

Words can be changed from nouns to adjectives by a change in the root word. Notice some of the words have changed spelling as well when changed from the noun form to adjective.


No. Root Word Noun form Adjective form
1. Enable Ability Able
2. Accept Acceptance Acceptable
3. Act Action Active
4. Beautify Beauty Beautiful
5. Believe Belief Believable
6. Care Care Careful
7. Darken Dark Darkness
8. Describe Description Describable
9. Educate Education Educated
10. Encourage Encouragement Encouraging

Common Mistakes:

Wrong word ending is one of the errors with the newly formed word. Remember if you do not give a correct ending, you change the word into the wrong part of speech.


Until recently, the river Ganga contained dangerous levels of pollutants

Until recently, the river Ganga contained dangering levels of pollutants

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