Sensory Detail for class 4

Concept : Sensory Words

Sensory details help to enhance the writing and allow readers to visualize your words. This chapter will consist of touch adjectives and how to use them. Students are also made aware of the common mistakes that could come up while using tactile sensory words.

In this learning concept, the students will learn:

  • Definition of sensory detail.
  • To identify sensory details related to touch.
  • Sensory Words Relating to touch & taste.
  • Usage of touch sensory words in the passage.

This concept has been vividly covered for class 4 English students using illustrations, examples, and concept maps. They can evaluate their understanding by trying to solve the printable sensory word worksheets given at the end of the page. Download the PDF worksheets and check the solutions provided along with them.

What is Sensory Detail?

  • Sensory details use the five senses (sight, touch, sound, taste, and smell) to add to the depth of details of the writing sensory details are very effective.
  • Sensory details act as powerful and memorable because they allow the reader to feel, see, hear, smell, taste, and touch words.
  • Sensory details are often adjectives, they can also take the form of verbs and adverbs.

How Sensory Language Relates to the Five Senses?

  • Sensory language is word or phrases which gives more information to the five senses and describe what we see, hear, taste, smell and feel.
  • Verbs and adjectives are the most commonly used parts of speech in text.
  • It is important to relate the sensory words to the purpose of the text.
  • Make connections, visualize what you are reading, and experience things that you have not experienced in real life.

How to Identify Words While Reading?

  • Hunt for sensory words of touch which are often textures.
  • Touch words describe the texture of how something feels. These words usually describe how certain items feel to the character. can also describe emotional feelings. For instance, hot soup, straight road.



Sensory Words Relating Touch and Taste

Words Sentences
Chilled She drank the chilled lemonade on the hot summer day.
Creamy The fruit custard was creamy and delicious.
Feathery The coat was feathery and warm.
Bumpy The shortcut was a bad idea it gave a bumpy road
Chilly The climate gets chilly after the evening.
Creepy The haunted street looks creepy.
Fluffy My new dog is so fluffy just like candy floss.
Silky Her hair is long and silky.
Soft I felt a soft breeze on my skin.
Warm His new sweatshirt was warm and soft .
Tickling She tickled my feet with a soft feather.
Sticky The fresh paint was still sticky.
Prickly The old mattress was hard and prickly.

Usage of Sensory Words in the Passage

When reading a passage always mark the words that give you details about your senses. These words can be used when you want to describe similar things.

Read the passage and observe the coloured sensory words.

Towards four 'o'clock in the morning, Charles, wrapped up in his cloak, set out for towards his village on his horse. Still sleepy from the warmth of his bed, he let himself to sleep by the quiet sound of his running horse. When it stopped of its own in front of holes surrounded with thorns near the furrows, Charles awoke with a start, suddenly remembered his broken leg, and tried to call to mind all the fractures the doctor had told him about. The rain had stopped, it was dawn and first rays of the sun were visible. On the branches of the leafless trees, birds roosted without moving, their little feathers bristling in the cold morning wind . The flat country stretched as far as the eye could see, and the group of trees round the farms at long intervals seemed like dark violet stains on the cast grey surface.

Charles from time to time opened his eyes, his mind grew weary, and, sleep coming upon him, he soon fell asleep wherein, his recent sensations blending with memories. He was dreaming about the time he had gone on a trip with his family. The warm smell of porridge remained with the fresh odour of dew; he heard the horse neigh and the crackling sound of the wood burning in the camp fire. The morning went by with Charles deep in sleep. Soon, it was noon and the heat woke him up.

The hot, July sun beat relentlessly down, casting an orange glare over the farm buildings, the fields, the pond. Even the usually cool green mountains bordering the pond was near. Charles sun-baked backs ached for relief. He quickly pulled off his sweaty clothes and jumped into the pond, but the warm water only surprised him, and he soon climbed back onto the muddy bank. His thirsty throat wanted something like a cool strawberry ice, or a tall frosted glass of lemonade. Charles put on his shirt and damp jeans and sat on the horse again.

Common Mistakes:

  • Adding too many descriptive words is confusing for the reader as to what exactly they are supposed to imagine minds.
  • Add only powerful adjectives and avoid using unnecessary words in the writing.

        The tiny, furry, fluffy, soft puppy made my day.

        The tiny, cute puppy made my day.

Concept : Usage of Sight and Sound Words

Sensory details use the five senses, sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell, to add depth to writing. In this chapter, students will specifically know about sensory details (sight and sound words in English) and how to use them in writing.

In this learning concept, the students will learn:

  • Importance of sensory detail.
  • Sight words with examples of their usage in sentences.
  • Sound Words with examples of it usage in sentences.
  • Identify sight and sound words in a passage.

This concept has been vividly covered for class 4 students using illustrations, examples, and mindmaps. After going through these aspects of reading strategies, students can evaluate their learning by trying to solve the two sound and sight words printable worksheets provided at the end of the page. Download the PDF worksheets and check the solutions provided along with them.

Why is Sensory Detail Important?

  1. Sensory details refer to the information mentioned in the text that can be experienced through senses.
  2. Sensory details allow the reader to experience objects which involve the senses like sight, touch, taste, and sound.
  3. The sense's description allows the reader to put himself or herself into a scene and feel like the character of the story.
  4. It causes the reader to, see, feel, hear, taste, to become connected to the story.
  5. Sensory details are mostly adjectives but they can take the form of adverbs and verbs too.

We have studied sensory words for touch. We will look into the other two types of sensory words which is sight and sound words.

A. Sight Words

    1. The sensory details help the reader to experience what is happening in the story ‘to visualize’ it with their senses.
    2. Sound is a great sense to create a mood.
    3. Words related to the scene or sights that the author describes. The author could use words such as colour, size, shape, texture, etc.

 B. Sound Words

    • Words related to hearing describe sound for example crashing and thumping.
    • Sensory words for hearing allow readers what’s happening.

List of words used for visual and sound sensory words.

Example of Visual words Example of Sound words
Gigantic Buzz
Teeny-tiny Humming
Bulky Squeaky
Glitter Serene
Sparkling Sizzle
Shimmering Hiss
Shiny Shriek
Glowing Snappy
Crooked Boom
Hazy Thundering
Shadowy Roaring
Gloomy Crunchy

Let’s Practice:

When reading a passage always mark the words that give you details about your senses.

Read the passage and observe the coloured sensory words.

One day, I went with my mother to the station and saw many people walking on the platform. I caught my mother’s hand tightly as she walked towards the ticket counter. We waited in the long queue for our tickets. In front of us, a lady stood with her child who was crying loudly. Everyone stared at the child and gave disapproving looks his way. My mother offered him a chocolate from her bag. The child took it and sniffed through his tears. He soon stopped crying and smiled at my mother. She in turn smiled at him.

After a few minutes, we got our tickets and were headed towards the station. We were going to board the train. I was so excited! This was going to be my first time travelling by train. Once we were at the station we heard the train’s honk before we saw it slow down to a halt. We got into the train, the handle dangling over our heads like shining little halos and the seats were light blue in colour. I enjoyed my journey on the train. I got to see many people at the station.

Common Mistake:

Overuse of many sound or sight words may confuse the reader or listener. In the example below, the words ‘ screech’ and ‘squealed’ makes it difficult to imagine the sound made by the bus’s tire. Hence it is better to use only one word instead of too many words.


    • The bus suddenly screeched to a halt. We also heard the loud honk.
    • The bus suddenly screeched, squealed to a halt. We also heard the loud honk.
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