Weather Condition

What Is Weather Condition for Class 2 EVS

In the concept given below students will be introduced to the factors affecting weather and climate and the different seasons in India.

After reading the concept, students will be able to:

  • Analyse the impact of different factors of weather like temperature, wind current, rain, clouds, etc.
  • Know about different types of instruments that are used to measure the factors of weather and climate.
  • Enlist the elements of weather.

Each concept is explained to class 2 students using descriptions, illustrations, and concept maps. After you go through a concept, assess your learning by solving the two printable worksheets given at the end of the page.
Download the worksheets and check your answers with the worksheet solutions for the concept Weather Condition provided in PDF format.

  • When you watch television, do you check the weather updates on the news channels?
  • From weather updates, we get to know about the weather at various places in our country.

The news readers inform us about the temperature, wind currents, rain, storms, etc.

  • On rainy days, they show how much it will rain in different areas in the country.
  • During the rest of the year, they show the minimum and maximum temperatures of the main cities.


The conditions of the surrounding environment at any area at a particular time are collectively called weather.


  1. It is rainy out there in Mumbai.
  2. It is very cold in Delhi.
  3. It is too hot in Nagpur.
  4. There is a cyclone coming towards the coast of West Bengal.
  • Weather changes from time to time.
  • The cool and pleasant weather in the morning may change to scorching hot in the afternoon and soon changes to normal conditions in the evening. Nights become colder than the days.
  • During rainy days, we see dark clouds in the sky. We experience heavy rains during monsoons. After a downpour, the sky becomes clear.

Factors of Weather:

The following are the different factors of weather.

1) Temperature:

  • When we say that it is very cold or hot out there, we are speaking about the temperature of the air in our surroundings.
  • The temperature rises from morning to afternoon and decreases from afternoon to night. In many places, the temperature remains very low during midnight and morning.
  • When we mention temperature, we say degree centigrade after it.
  • Degree centigrade (ºC) is the unit of temperature.
  • We use thermometers to measure the temperature.


2) Wind:

  • Moving air is called wind.
  • Hot air always moves up, and cold air from the surroundings gushes to fill the empty space, creating wind currents.


3) Clouds:

  • As the temperature rises from day to afternoon, the water from different water bodies transforms into vapour and moves upward.
  • The temperature reduces as the water vapours move upward, so they again transform into crystal-like water droplets and float in the sky. These are called clouds.
  • Clouds may vary in size. Some clouds form layers, and some look like massive cotton balls.


4) Types of Rainfall Patterns:

  • Rain is a vital weather factor because excessive rain causes floods, but scanty rain causes droughts.
  • When the tiny droplets of crystallised water vapour get bigger and heavier, they cannot float in the sky. So, they start falling on the Earth.
  • In colder regions, we see snowfall in the winter instead of rainfall. In this case, the crystallised water droplets transform into ice crystals due to the low temperature.
  • Some important words related to rain are—
    • Precipitation: It is the falling of rain as rainwater or snow.
    • Drizzle: A type of light rain.
    • Mist: When tiny droplets of water float in the air at a cold temperature, that is called mist. It is lighter than a drizzle. We cannot see much if it is misty everywhere.
    • Cloudburst: Extremely heavy rainfall at any particular place for a short time.


5) Humidity:

  • The amount of water vapour in the air causes humidity. Moist air is more humid, and dry air is less humid.
  • Coastal areas (Chennai, Mumbai) have more humidity than the inland areas (Bhopal, Jaisalmer).
  • The winter season is less humid than the summer and monsoon seasons.

How Does Weather Affect Human Activities:

  • When there are no clouds in the sky, the sun shines brightly, and we feel warm. It is called sunny weather. In this weather, we like to stay indoors. We drink plenty of water and fruit juices to keep us hydrated. We like to eat cold foods like ice-creams, chilled shakes, etc.
  • It is called cloudy weather if the sky is filled with clouds and the sun is not visible. This type of weather is not pleasant and very humid. Due to this, we sweat a lot.
  • When it rains heavily, we call it rainy weather. Sometimes there are lightning and thunderstorms in this type of weather. We enjoy piping hot fritters at home and float paper boats in this weather.
  • During thunderstorms, the wind moves so strongly that it can destroy many things.
  • It is called snowy weather when the temperature falls, and we feel cold and experience snowfall. We do not see this type of weather all over India but in many places like Sikkim, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand etc. We wear woollen clothes in this type of weather to keep ourselves warm.



Forecast of Weather:

  • We can easily predict the weather for today, tomorrow or next week. It is called weather forecasting.
  • Proper knowledge about seasons and weather factors is a must to forecast weather.
  • Meteorologists study the weather, and they use the following instruments to check different weather-related factors—

1) Thermometer:

  • It measures the changes in the temperature of the air in the surroundings.
  • It is made up of glass.

2) Hygrometer:

  • It measures how much water vapour is present in the air.
  • Basically, it measures the humidity.

3) Windsock:

  • It is used to detect the direction of the wind flow.
  • It gives a general idea about the speed of the wind.
  • Windsocks are made of cloth.

4) Rain gauge:

  • It tells us how much rainfall has occurred before a day.
  • It has a container with a scale that collects the rainwater. It measures the amount of rainfall that happened on the previous day.


New Words:

Unit: A unit tells us how big or small something is.

Measure: To compare if something is big or small.

Droplets: Very small drops of liquids like water.

Did You Know?

  • A tornado is a type of storm with a strong and huge swirling wind that damages anything that comes in its way.

  • Droughts and floods can affect human lives and the environment, which is why these are natural disasters.
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