Growth Chart and Heirarchy

Growth chart & Hierarchy

What is a Growth Chart?

growth chart is a type of chart or graph that is used to show information with straight lines. We create a growth chart for those data which are showing some type of growth in the values. We create a growth chart, by using two different components which are related to each other.

Parts of the Growth chart:
  • Title
  • Labels/Components
  • Scales
  • Points
  • Lines
Characteristic of Growth chart:
  • A Growth chart has a two-line vertical line and a horizontal line.
  • Growth chart gives a clear picture of an ascending or descending order.
  • Growth charts, also called line graphs.
  • In a Growth chart the data points are connected by a line.
  • Data points represent the collected data observations on a survey.

Now see a growth chart for the distance that Rahul jogged in a week:

  • Here two components are – distance and days of the week.
 Steps to draw a Growth chart

Observe the values given in the data and find out the type of the data.

Draw one vertical line and draw another horizontal line. Both lines should have coincided with each other at the corner.

Decide which component will mention on a vertical line and which one will mention on a horizontal line.

On the vertical line, draw intervals at equal distance according to the respective component and mark the second component on the horizontal line.

Choose the appropriate scale considering the given values of the data.

Mark the points with respect to the components given in the data.

Join the points by straight lines.

We will get a line graph.

How to read the Growth chart?
  • First, identify the title.
  • Find the labeling of the lines. (Identify the components).
  • Check the pattern to understand the order. (Identify the scale.)
  • At the end, find out the data value to the exact value.


The image below shows the growth chart that represents the plant’s growth data for five weeks.

Week 1 2
Week 2 5
Week 3 7
Week 4 12
Week 5 14

The growth chart for plant growth is given below:

Interpreting of the growth chart:

  1. How tall was the plant in week 2?
    In week 2, the height of the plant was 5 cm.
  2. How much did the plant grow from week 1 to week 2?
    In week 1 the height of the plant was 2 cm and in week 2 it was 5 cm.
    So, the growth is: 5 – 2 = 3 cm.
  3. How much did the plant grow from week 2 to week 4?
    In week 2 the height of the plant was 5 cm and in week 4 it was 12 cm.
    So, the growth is 12 – 5 = 7 cm.
  4. How much had the plant grown from week1 to week5?
    In week 1 the height of the plant was 2cm and in week 5 it was 14 cm.
    So, the growth is 14 – 2 = 12 cm.
    In this way, we can find the information by reading the growth chart.
Advantages of the Growth chart:
  • It is easy to show changes or growth in the given data.
  • It is also helpful to show slide changes that are difficult to measure in other graphs.
  • Growth charts are common and effective charts because they are simple and easy to understand.
  • In the growth chart, more than one line can be drawn for different components.
Disadvantages of the Growth chart:
  • As we can draw more than one line, it is confusing to read data sometimes.
  • Growth charts are only useful for numerical value.

Let us see one more example of the growth chart.


Given below is a Growth chart of books sold per day in a week made by an owner of the bookshop.

Use the information to answer the question.

Interpretation of the growth chart:

  1. How many books were sold on Sunday?
    10 books are sold on Sunday.
  2. Highest number of books on which day?
    The highest number of books sold on Saturday was 50 in number.
  3. How much is the growth of selling books from Sunday to Friday?
    On Sunday 10 books were sold and on Friday 40 were sold.
    So, the growth of selling is = 40 – 10 = 30
  4. How much is the growth of selling books from Monday to Saturday?
    On Monday 18 books were sold and on Saturday 50 books were sold.
    So, the growth of selling is = 50 –18 = 32

Definition of Hierarchy:

A hierarchy represents the set of theoretical objects in a graphical form. In this system, components/ values of the data are ranked or arranged according to the relative status of the data.

Interpreting Hierarchy:

  • Information and directions flow vertically in a hierarchical structure.
  • Higher levels control lower levels of the hierarchy.
  • Information flows up through each level until it reaches the top.

Now we will see an example of a hierarchical structure, we add a family tree of Aileen’s Family.

From the above hierarchical graph:

  1. Write the name of Aileen’s father?
    Aileen’s father's name was William.
  2. Write the name of Aileen’s uncle?
    Aileen’s uncle's name was Bradley.
  3. Write the name of Kenneth’s grandmother?
    Kenneth’s grandmother was Jessica.

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