NCERT Solution For EVS Class 4 Chapter 11 – The Valley of Flowers

The Valley of Flowers Class 4 introduces the different types of flowers, parts of a flower and bud, the uses of flowers, other forms of flowers. Class 4 EVS Chapter 11 encourages the kids to observe the various attributes of flowers they see around them and take care of the flowering plants.

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The NCERT Solution For EVS Class 4 Chapter 11 – The Valley of Flowers are tailored to help the students master the concepts that are key to success in their classrooms. The solutions given in the PDF are developed by experts and correlate with the CBSE syllabus of 2023-2024. These solutions provide thorough explanations with a step-by-step approach to solving problems. Students can easily get a hold of the subject and learn the basics with a deeper understanding. Additionally, they can practice better, be confident, and perform well in their examinations with the support of this PDF.

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Students can access the NCERT Solution For EVS Class 4 Chapter 11 – The Valley of Flowers. Curated by experts according to the CBSE syllabus for 2023–2024, these step-by-step solutions make EVS much easier to understand and learn for the students. These solutions can be used in practice by students to attain skills in solving problems, reinforce important learning objectives, and be well-prepared for tests.

The Valley of Flowers

In the hills of Uttaranchal there is a place where there are flowers everywhere. This place is called the ‘Valley of Flowers’. In some places, one sees red flowers blooming on bushes, while in others one finds white flowers peeping out between the stones. There are wide areas carpeted with the brightest yellow flowers. And suddenly, elsewhere, blue flowers shining like tiny stars between the grass. All this seems like a beautiful dream, doesn’t it? Yes, because like a dream these flowers bloom only for a few weeks in the year.

Question 1 :

Have you ever seen so many flowers grow together anywhere? Where?

Answer :

Yes, I have seen many flowers grow together in the botanical garden.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 2 :

Are there any things in your house which have designs of flowers made on them – like clothes, sheets, vases, etc.?

Answer :

Yes, there is a flower vase and some cushion covers that have designs of flowers made on them. I also have two floral printed dresses.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 3 :

Here is a floral design in the box below.The design in the picture is called ‘Madhubani’. It is a very old form of folk art. Do you know why it is called Madhubani? There is a district in Bihar called Madhubani. Here, during festivals and happy occasions, the walls of the houses and their courtyards are painted with such pictures. These paintings are made out of paste of powdered rice in which colour has been mixed. The colours used in Madhubani painting are very special too. To make them, indigo (Neel), turmeric (Haldi), colours from flowers and trees, etc., are used. The paintings show human beings, animals, trees, flowers, birds, etc.

Draw your own design in your notebook and colour it as well.

NCERT Solution For EVS Class 4 Chapter 11 – The Valley of Flowers
Answer :

[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]


NCERT Solution For EVS Class 4 Chapter 11 – The Valley of Flowers

Question 4 :

How many differently coloured flowers have you seen?

Answer :

I have seen plenty of flowers with different colours and patterns.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 5 :

Write their colours.

Answer :

Yellow, blue, violet, red, orange, white, pink, black.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 6 :

Now you were just left counting, weren’t you?

Answer :

Yes, I counted them but couldn’t finish as there were too many flowers to count.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 7 :

Now close your eyes and imagine that you have reached such a place. How does it feel? Which songs do you feel like singing?

Answer :

 I am feeling relaxed and happy. The surrounding seems so vibrant and peaceful.
I feel like singing the song from my favourite ‘The Sound of Music’—
“The hills are alive with the sound of music
With songs they have sung for a thousand years
The hills fill my heart with the sound of music
My heart wants to sing every song it hears
My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds
That rise from the lake to the trees”
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

The World of Flowers

Question 1 :

From the pictures given above, and other flowers that you know, give names of two which
(a) grow on trees ______________ ________________
(b) grow on bushes ______________ ________________
(c) grow on creepers ______________ ________________
(d) grow on water plants ______________ ________________
(e) bloom only at night ______________ ________________
(f) bloom in the day and close at night __________ __________

Answer :

(a) grow on trees: Gulmohar, palash
(b) grow on bushes: Rose, champa
(c) grow on creepers: Morning glory, jasmine
(d) grow on water plants Lotus, water lily
(e) bloom only at night: Datura, evening primrose
(f) bloom in the day and close at night: Sunflower, morning glory
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 2 :

Which flowers bloom all the year round?

Answer :

Flowers like marigold and hibiscus bloom all year round.

Question 3 :

 Here are some pictures of flowers. Mark a () on the flowers which you recognise. Write their names too if you know. ✔


NCERT Solution For EVS Class 4 Chapter 11 – The Valley of Flowers
Answer :

[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

NCERT Solution For EVS Class 4 Chapter 11 – The Valley of Flowers

Question 4 :

Which flowers can you recognise by their scent, even with your eyes closed?

Answer :

Even with my eyes closed, I can recognise rose, jasmine, champa, tuberose by their scent.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 5 :

Which flowers bloom only in certain months?

Answer :

Flowers like magnolia and poppies bloom in June. Daffodils bloom in February.

Question 6 :

Are there any trees or plants which never have any flowers? Find out and write.

Answer :

Yes, ferns and money plants do not bear flowers.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Why this?

Question 1 :

 What would happen if everybody plucked flowers?

Answer :

 If everybody starts plucking flowers, there will be no flowers left on the plants. Without flowers, the world will be a less beautiful place. Bees, butterflies, wasps, etc., will not be able to collect nectar from flowers, and the process of pollination will be disrupted.

Question 2 :

Should they do this?

Answer :

No, they should not do this.

Question 3 :

Have you ever seen a board like this put up anywhere?

Answer :

Yes, I have seen this type of board in the botanical garden and in parks.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 4 :

Do people pluck flowers even when this board is there?

Answer :

Yes, some people pluck flowers even where such boards are put up.

Question 5 :

Why do you think they do this?

Answer :

 I think they do this because they are careless and do not give importance to flowers and plants.

Let us look closely

Children who can bring flowers may bring one or two flowers to class. Remember that you must collect only fallen flowers. Do not pluck any flower. Make groups of three or four children and look at one flower carefully –

Question 1 :

Outside the petals, can you see any green leafy structure? How many are there?

Answer :

Yes, outside the petals, there is a green leafy structure visible. They are joined together and are five in numbers.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 2 :

How many petals does it have?

Answer :

The flower has five petals.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 3 :

Are all the petals joined together or separate?

Answer :

Yes, all five petals are joined along their edges.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 4 :

What is the colour of the flower?

Answer :

The flower is white in colour.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 5 :

What kind of a scent does it have?

Answer :

It has a very mild and sweet scent.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 6 :

What does it look like – a bell, a bowl, a brush or anything else?

Answer :

 It is a trumpet-shaped flower.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 7 :

Do these flowers grow in bunches?

Answer :

No, these flowers do not grow in bunches.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 8 :

Inside the petals, in the middle of the flower, can you see some thin structures? Write its colour.

Answer :

Yes, inside the petals, I have seen some thin structures in the middle of the flower. It is pale white in colour.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 9 :

When you touch these, do you find a powdery thing on your hands?

Answer :

Yes, when I touched the flower, I found a powdery thing on my hands.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Blooming Buds!

Question 1 :

Ask your friends the names of the different flowers that they have seen. How much time did it take their buds to become flowers?

Answer :

My friend Anuj observed a hibiscus bud, and it took eight days to become a flower.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 2 :

When you first saw this bud, the date was _________. Now when the bud has bloomed into a flower, the date is _______. How many days did the bud take to become a flower?

Answer :

When I first saw this bud, the date was 01.12.2021. Now when the bud has bloomed into a flower, the date is 06.12.2021. The bud took six days to become a flower.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 3 :

Choose a bud that is growing on a plant and look at it every day. Write the name of the plant.

Answer :

I observed a bud every day on a rose plant in my garden.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 4 :

Can you tell how many days will a bud take to bloom into a flower?

Answer :

A bud takes about five days to bloom into a flower.

Question 5 :

Draw the picture of a bud and its flower in your notebook.

Answer :

[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 6 :

What differences do you find between a flower and a bud?

Answer :

Here are some differences between a bud and a flower—

Flower Bud
1. A flower is bigger than a bus. 1. A bud is smaller than a flower.
2. A flower develops from a bud. 2. A bud develops into a flower.

Question 7 :

Also observe how many days the same flower took to dry.

Answer :

 The hibiscus flower took three days to dry.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

So many uses! Flowers are even eaten!

Question 1 :

Are flowers cooked in your home as a dry vegetable, a gravy dish or as a chutney? Find out which flowers are used for these.

Answer :

Yes, my mother makes fritters with pumpkin flowers. My grandmother cooks a delicious preparation with banana flowers. My aunt makes a chutney with mango flowers.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 2 :

 Do you know that flowers can be eaten as well?

Answer :

Yes, I know that flowers can be eaten as well.

Question 3 :

What are the different ways we use flowers in our daily life?

Answer :

We use flowers in different ways in our daily life—
(a) We offer flowers while worshipping.
(b) We use flowers during festivals.
(c) We give flower bouquets as gifts.
(d) We use flowers to beautify our hair during special occasions.
(e) We eat flowers.
(f) Natural colours are manufactured from flowers.

Flowers in medicines!

Flowers are used to make many medicines as well.

Question 1 :

How is rose water used in your house? Is it used as medicine, sweets, lassi or something else? Find out and tell others.

Answer :

Rose water is used with glycerine to treat cracked heels during winters at my home. My mother uses rose water while preparing biriyani, lassi, and rasagullas.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 2 :

Find out names of any two flowers which are used for making medicines?

Answer :

Extracts of China rose, and lotus are used for making medicines.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Colours from flowers

Question 1 :

Do you know – even a small bottle of Itr is made from lots and lots of flowers?

Answer :

Yes, I learned from my grandmother that lots and lots of flowers are needed just to make a small bottle of Itr.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 2 :

 Find out and write the names of some more flowers that are used for making colours.

Answer :

China rose, marigold, rose are some flowers used for making colours.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 3 :

 Can you think of a colour of which there is no flower?

Answer :

Well, at this moment, I cannot think of such a colour. I used to think about black, but I have seen pictures of black roses.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 4 :

Write the names of such flowers which are used to make scents.

Answer :

Rose, mogra, jasmine, lavender, and tuberose are some flowers used for making scents.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 5 :

Have you experienced the smell on opening a small bottle of Itr?

Answer :

No, I have not experienced the smell of itr, but I have heard from my grandmother how they used a few drops of itr as perfume.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Other Uses

Question 1 :

Have you ever read or heard any songs about flowers?

Answer :

Yes, I have heard a Hindi song about flowers.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Talk about it

Question 1 :

Do you know when such songs are sung?

Answer :

Such songs about flowers are sung at weddings and festivals.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 2 :

Do you or anybody else at home know other such songs? Collect songs, poems, etc., on flowers. Write them down and put them up in the classroom.

Answer :

Yes, my brother knows a beautiful song about flowers. It is an English song.
“Curl up like a tiny seed.
A tiny seed, a tiny seed.
Warm sun is what you need.
Now you can start growing.
Drink the rain and start to rise.
Start to rise, Start to rise.
Stretch up tall and arms open wide.
Now a flower’s showing.”
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 3 :

Are any special flowers used on certain occasions/festivals by your elders? Make a list of different occasions and the flowers used at each.

Occasion/Festivals Name of flower
Answer :

Yes, special flowers are used in different festivals.


Occasion/Festivals Name of flower
Shivaratri Datura
Durga Puja Lotus
Saraswati Puja Palash
Kali Puja Hibiscus
Janmastami Marigold

[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Let us Know Some More

Question 1 :

Would they like the other members of their family to do this work? Why?

Answer :

The flower seller does not want anybody from his family to come into this business. There is not enough profit in this business. Eventually, they end up making a loss.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 2 :

Has the flower-seller learnt to make bouquets or a net of flowers from anybody? From whom?

Answer :

Yes, the flower seller learnt how to make bouquets. He learnt from his father.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 3 :

Some flowers are used in different forms – like rose and marigold are used in garlands and as loose petals too.

 Find out the prices of these different forms.
(a) One flower
(b) One garland
(c) One bouquet
Answer :

In my local market,
(a) One flower costs Rs. 25/-
(b) One garland costs Rs. 40/- to Rs. 50/-
(c) One bouquet costs Rs.180 /- to Rs. 220/-

[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 4 :

How will you use them?

Answer :

I will collect the dry flowers and use them as manure in my garden. The dried petals can also be used for making colours.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 5 :

What do we do when they dry up?

Answer :

We usually throw away the dry flowers.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 6 :

Have you seen flowers offered at many religious places?

Answer :

Yes, I have seen flowers offered at religious places.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 7 :

Any other form that you have seen –

Answer :

No, I have not seen any other forms than these forms.

[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 8 :

In what forms do flower-sellers sell their flowers? Look at these pictures. Tick against those forms that you have seen.


NCERT Solution For EVS Class 4 Chapter 11 – The Valley of Flowers
Answer :

Flower sellers sell flowers in various forms.

[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

NCERT Solution For EVS Class 4 Chapter 11 – The Valley of Flowers

Question 9 :

 Why do people buy flowers?

Answer :

People buy flowers for many reasons, like religious offerings, decorate the house during festivals, gift someone etc.

Question 10 :

Where do they bring these flowers from?

Answer :

They bring these flowers from flower farms.

[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 11 :

If there are any flower-sellers nearby ask them these questions and write –

What are the different flowers that they sell? Ask them the names of three flowers

Answer :

They sell different types of flowers. Three flowers they sell are marigold, tulip, and sunflower.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 12 :

Have you ever seen anyone selling flowers anywhere?

Answer :

Yes, I have seen many flower sellers at the local market.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Let us do this activity

Question 1 :

Draw a flower of your choice and write its name below.

Answer :


NCERT Solution For EVS Class 4 Chapter 11 – The Valley of Flowers

Frequently Asked Questions

The NCERT solution for Class 4 Chapter 11: The Valley of Flowers is important as it provides a structured approach to learning, ensuring that students develop a strong understanding of foundational concepts early in their academic journey. By mastering these basics, students can build confidence and readiness for tackling more difficult concepts in their further education. 

Yes, the NCERT solution for Class 4 Chapter 11: The Valley of Flowers is quite useful for students in preparing for their exams. The solutions are simple, clear, and concise allowing students to understand them better. They can solve the practice questions and exercises that allow them to get exam-ready in no time.

You can get all the NCERT solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 11 from the official website of the Orchids International School. These solutions are tailored by subject matter experts and are very easy to understand. 

Yes, students must practice all the questions provided in the NCERT solution for Class 4 EVS Chapter 11: The Valley of Flowers as it will help them gain a comprehensive understanding of the concept, identify their weak areas, and strengthen their preparation. 

Students can utilize the NCERT solution for Class 4 EVS Chapter 11 effectively by practicing the solutions regularly. Solve the exercises and practice questions given in the solution.

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