Force: Effects and Types

Effects of Force for Class 5 Science

This concept mainly deals with the effects of force. Here the students will be introduced to various aspects of push and pull.
After reading the concept, students will be able to:

  • Know about what is force in science.
  • Understand what is contact force and what is non-contact force
  • Enlist contact force and non-contact force examples.
  • State the types of contact force and how the force of friction depends on the surface between the object and the medium
  • Recall the frictional force definition and what is gravitational force.
  • Define what is magnetic force with magnetic force examples.

Each concept is explained to class 5 students using descriptions, illustrations, and concept maps. After you go through a concept, assess your learning by solving the two printable worksheets given at the end of the page.

Download the worksheets and check your answers with the worksheet solutions for the concept of Effects of Force provided in PDF format.


What Is Force?

A push or pull acting on any object is considered a force. It makes things move or make them change their state of motion.

Effects of Force:

Force has the following effects on objects—

  • It can stop a moving object and vice versa.
  • It can change the direction of a moving object.
  • It can change the shape of an object.


Types of Forces:

Force can be broadly classified into contact and non-contact force.

  1. Contact Force:

The force that acts only when two surfaces come in contact with each other is called a contact force. Contact forces are further classified as shown below— 

        1.Frictional Force: It is the force exerted due to friction.


  • The force exerted by friction always acts in the opposite direction of the motion.
  • Smooth surfaces cause less friction, and rough surfaces cause more friction.
  • Frictional force plays a role in almost everything we do in our daily lives.


    • Writing on a paper.
    • Walking or running on the road.
    • Holding a glass of water.
2.Mechanical Force:It is the force exerted by machines.


  • Movement of a pulley while riding a bicycle.
  • Rotation of a wheel while dragging a trolley.
  • Rotation of a blade while operating a grinder.
3.Muscular Force:It is the force exerted by virtue of muscles.


    • Lifting a heavy object.
    • Kicking a football.
    • Jumping.


4.Elastic Force:It is the force exerted by a deformed object when it tries to return to its original position.


      • A stretched rubber band gaining its original shape.


2.Non Contact force:

The forces which can act between two objects even if the surfaces are away from each other are called non-contact forces. Non-contact force is further classified as shown below—


a.Magnetic Force: The force exerted by a magnet in the form of attraction or repulsion is called magnetic force.

      • Magnetic objects are attracted to a magnet.Example: Iron.
      • Unlike poles of a magnet attract each other whereas like poles repel each other.


b.Electrostatic Force: It is the attractive and repulsive force between two objects due to the charge present on them.

  • In winters, we often feel a mild current, the sensation of a crackling sound when we wear woollen clothes or touch any metal object. It happens because of the development of an electrostatic charge on our body.
  • The same can be tried by rubbing a comb against the hair and then bringing the comb near small pieces of paper. The paper pieces get attracted to the comb.

c.Gravitational Force: A force of attraction that exists due to the gravity of Earth is called the gravitational force. The Earth attracts all the objects towards itself due to this gravitational force.

There can be more than one force acting at a time. Look at the examples given below to understand.


Writing on a piece of paper involves both frictional and muscular force.
  • Muscular: Holding the pencil/pen with fingers and using the hand for writing.
  • Frictional: The force acting between the tip of the pencil/pen and the paper.
      • Pulling water from a well involves both mechanical and muscular force.
  • Mechanical: A pulley is a simple machine attached to the well. Its function is to facilitate the easy movement of the rope. Hence, the mechanical force comes into play.
  • Frictional: The force applied by the person using their hands to pull the bucket of water with the help of the rope.
      • Archery involves both elastic and muscular force.
  • Elastic: The force exerted by the rubber of the bow when the archer stretches it is the elastic force.
  • Mechanical: The force applied by the person using their hands to pull the rubber and the arrow constitutes the mechanical force.


 New Words

Attractive force: It is the force that draws one object towards another..

Repulsive force: It is the force that makes one object move away from another.

Gravity: It is the force by virtue of which a planet or any other body can draw objects toward its centre.


Did You Know?

  • Water spilled on a marble floor decreases its friction, making us fall easily on such a floor.
  • We would not be able to stand on Earth if there was no gravitational force.
  • Sir Isaac Newton was the first scientist who studied gravity and force.
  • Air tries to decrease the speed of any moving object in it by friction. This frictional force exerted by air is called drag.
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