Types and Uses of Plants

Types and Uses of Plants for Class 2 Science

There are different types of plants around us. Some are flexible, some are thick and woody, some are short, and some are tall. Plants are essential for us in various ways. In this concept, the students will learn about different types of plants and the uses of Plants in their daily lives.

After reading the concept, students will be able—

  • Mention the difference between climbers and creepers.
  • State a few examples of herbs.
  • Describe the uses of trees.
  • Identify flowering trees by looking at the pictures.
  • Give examples of plants used for medicine.
  • Explain the use of plants for preparing ointment.

Each concept is explained to class 2 students using descriptions, illustrations, and concept maps. After you go through a concept, assess your learning by solving the two printable worksheets given at the end of the page.
Download the worksheets and check your answers with the worksheet solutions for the concept Types and Uses of Plants provided in PDF format.

What Are Plants

  • Plants are living components of our environment.
  • They are green in colour because of a pigment called chlorophyll.
  • Chlorophyll enables them to prepare food by photosynthesis.
  • Hence, plants are considered the producers and ultimate source of food on Earth.

Different Types of Plants:

a) Creepers:

  • Creepers have weak stems and cannot grow upright.
  • They creep along the ground.


       Watermelon, Pumpkin, Money plant, Strawberry, etc.

b) Climbers:

  • These plants live for a short duration and have weak stems like creepers.
  • They grow upright with the help of support.


       Cucumber, Pea, etc.

c) Herbs:

  • These are small plants that do not have woody stems. Their stem remains weak and green till they grow tallest.
  • They live for 3-4 months.
  • Herbs are used as spices and for making medicines.


       Lemongrass, Thyme, Mint, Basil, Oregano, etc.

d) Shrubs:

  • Small plants with thick woody stems are called shrubs.
  • Their stem is strong; hence they grow taller during their lifetime.
  • They live for 6-12 months.


       China rose, Lemon, Marigold, Tulsi, etc.

e) Tree

  • Trees are huge plants that have a thick woody stem called a trunk.
  • They live for many years.
  • The branches and the leaves form the top part of the tree, called the crown.


       Eucalyptus, Neem, Gulmohar, Banyan, Coconut, etc.

Uses of Plants:

  • Plants are the ultimate source of food.
  • Plants provide raw materials.
  • Some plants have healing properties and are used to make medicines and ointments.


  • Plant parts are used as spices.
  • Flowers are used for decorations during festivals, religious ceremonies, weddings, parties, etc.

New Words:

Spices: Ingredients that are used while cooking to increase the flavour and taste of food.

Ointments: Creams, gels, and lotions that are applied on the skin to treat wounds, cuts and rashes.

Pigment: Any substance that gives colour to anything.


Did you know?

  • Lawn grass is a type of creeper.
  • In ancient times there were no medicines that were made from chemicals. Only herbs and plant parts were used as medicines.
  • Onam is a harvest festival in which rangolis are made using flowers.
  • The dry spices we see in our kitchen are parts of plants. Chilly is a fruit, turmeric is a root, lemongrass is a leaf, coriander is a seed, etc.
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