NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Chapter 5 Poem: Little by Little

The poem Little by Little tells about how acorn grow into a tree little by little, every day. The little acorn sips the dew and its thread-like root grows in the soil. It grows steadily day after day, year after year. Soon, it grows into a mighty oak and becomes the pride of the forest. The NCERT class 3 English little by little helps the child to: Choose the rhyming words from the poem.  Understand the various stages of the growth of a seed.  List the names of common trees  The NCERT textbook Marigold questions are answered in a simple and engaging manner. We also have related ‘Learning Concepts’, and interactive worksheets with solutions. Our ‘Learning Beyond’ segment caters to all the probable questions that the child might think out of curiosity.

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The NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Chapter 5 Poem: Little by Little are tailored to help the students master the concepts that are key to success in their classrooms. The solutions given in the PDF are developed by experts and correlate with the CBSE syllabus of 2023-2024. These solutions provide thorough explanations with a step-by-step approach to solving problems. Students can easily get a hold of the subject and learn the basics with a deeper understanding. Additionally, they can practice better, be confident, and perform well in their examinations with the support of this PDF.

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Students can access the NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Chapter 5 Poem: Little by Little. Curated by experts according to the CBSE syllabus for 2023–2024, these step-by-step solutions make English much easier to understand and learn for the students. These solutions can be used in practice by students to attain skills in solving problems, reinforce important learning objectives, and be well-prepared for tests.

Talk time

Question 1 :

 Look at the two pictures. Find four things that are different about these trees and talk about them.

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Chapter 5 Poem: Little by Little
Answer :

1. The tree shown in picture 1 is happy, but the tree in picture 2 is sad.
2. The tree in picture 1 gives fruits, vegetables and has medicinal value.
The tree in picture 2 shows no such things.
3. There is a proper nest in the tree of picture 1, but the nest in the tree of picture 2 is damaged.
4. The tree in picture 1 shows humans get many things from it. In picture 2, the tree’s branches are cut to light fire.
( Note: you can speak your own answer.)

Let’s Write

Question 1 :

Look at Picture 1. Write three sentences on what the trees give us.

Answer :

1. The tree gives fresh air to breathe for humans.
2. The tree gives us fruits and vegetables.
3. The tree also has medicinal properties, which are very useful.

Question 2 :

Now look at Picture 2. Write three sentences on how we harm trees.

Answer :

1. The wood of the tree is used for burning.
2. Since the nest is damaged the birds fly away.
3. The wood of the tree is used to make furniture.

Question 3 :

These words describe parts of a tree.
Write them in the given space.
stem ________________________
bark ________________________
leaves ________________________
branch ________________________
twigs ________________________
root ________________________
shoot ________________________

Answer :

Stem: The stem in the part of the tree above the soil and it is known as the trunk.
Bark: The outer layer of the stem of the tree is known as bark.
Leaves: The leaves provide food for the tree.
Branch: The branch of a tree has flowers or leaves or fruits growing on them.
Twigs: A small division of a branch or a tiny branch is known as the twigs of a tree.
Root: The base of the tree is its roots. Strong roots make a strong tree.
Shoot: The shoot of a tree is above ground and bears leaves.

Question 4 :

Match the opposites. One has been done for you

 downward   weak 
 slowly   night 
 little   upward 
 slender   fast 
 mighty   fat 
 day   big 
Answer :

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Chapter 5 Poem: Little by Little

Reading is Fun

Question 1 :

Name the tree that the acorn grows into.

Answer :

The acorn grows into an oak tree.

Question 2 :

What things does a seed need to grow?

Answer :

A seed needs soil, water, sunlight, and moisture to grow.

Question 3 :

How many describing words can you find in this poem?

Answer :

The describing words found in this poem are little mossy, slowly, hidden deep, thread-like, tiny, slender, wide, and mighty.

Frequently Asked Questions

The NCERT solution for Class 3 Chapter : 5 Little by Little is important as it provides a structured approach to learning, ensuring that students develop a strong understanding of foundational concepts early in their academic journey. By mastering these basics, students can build confidence and readiness for tackling more difficult concepts in their further education. 

Yes, the NCERT solution for Class 3 Chapter : 5 Little by Little is quite useful for students in preparing for their exams. The solutions are simple, clear, and concise allowing students to understand them better. Little by Littleally, they can solve the practice questions and exercises that allow them to get exam-ready in no time.

You can get all the NCERT solutions for Class 3 English Chapter : 5 from the official website of the Orchids International School. These solutions are tailored by subject matter experts and are very easy to understand. 

Yes, students must practice all the questions provided in the NCERT solution for Class 3 English Chapter : 5: Little by Little as it will help them gain a comprehensive understanding of the concept, identify their weak areas, and strengthen their preparation. 

Students can utilize the NCERT solution for Class 3 English Chapter : 5 effectively by practicing the solutions regularly. Solve the exercises and practice questions given in the solution.

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