NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 19: Our Friends Animal

The chapter Our Friends Animals deals with animals and their well-being. The chapter motivates the kids to sympathise with the animals they see around them, look after them whenever necessary and discourage people from teasing them. Class 3 EVS Chapter 19 also mentions the different types of work the domestic animals perform for men. The food habits of animals and birds and the interdependence of man and animal also find a place in this chapter. The NCERT textbook (Looking Around) questions are answered in a simple and engaging manner. We also have related ‘Learning Concepts’, and interactive worksheets with solutions. Our ‘Learning Beyond’ segment caters to all the probable questions that the child might think out of curiosity. Download Chapter 19 Our Friends—Animals in the PDF format for free.

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The NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 19: Our Friends Animal are tailored to help the students master the concepts that are key to success in their classrooms. The solutions given in the PDF are developed by experts and correlate with the CBSE syllabus of 2023-2024. These solutions provide thorough explanations with a step-by-step approach to solving problems. Students can easily get a hold of the subject and learn the basics with a deeper understanding. Additionally, they can practice better, be confident, and perform well in their examinations with the support of this PDF.

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Students can access the NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 19: Our Friends Animal. Curated by experts according to the CBSE syllabus for 2023–2024, these step-by-step solutions make EVS much easier to understand and learn for the students. These solutions can be used in practice by students to attain skills in solving problems, reinforce important learning objectives, and be well-prepared for tests.

Our Friends—Animals

Question 1 :

What do you think Malini would have done?

Answer :

One of the kittens must have come out and gone away from the mother cat. So, Malini must have taken the kitten to its mother.
One day a speeding scooter hit Bholi and hurt her leg. The wound was bleeding heavily.

Question 2 :

Chandu Dhobi looks after his donkey very well. The donkey too does a lot of his work. Look at the pictures and write what are the things that Chandu does for his donkey—

Answer :

Question 3 :

 Put the sentences in the correct order

Peter lovingly patted the bird.       
The children saw a bird circling in their classroom.    
Navjyot and Ali quickly brought water in a bowl.    
The bird flew away.    
The bird hurt itself with the fan.    
Answer :

Peter lovingly patted the bird.       3   
The children saw a bird circling in their classroom. 5
Navjyot and Ali quickly brought water in a bowl. 2
The bird flew away. 4
The bird hurt itself with the fan. 1

Question 4 :

Do you know how a cat cries?

Answer :

Cats do not shed tears while crying. When the cat is upset or angry, it makes sounds similar to a human whimper. The normal sound made by a cat is meow-meow.

Question 5 :

What will people in Meenu’s family do?

Answer :

Meenu’s family members will first put some medicine on the wound of cover it with a clean bandage. Then they will take Bholi to a nearby veterinary doctor.

Question 6 :

Do you or any of your neighbours have a pet? Which one?

Answer :

Yes, I have a pet dog.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 7 :

What name have you given to your pet?

Answer :

I have given the name Woofy to my pet dog.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 8 :

What do you do when your pet is –

  • hungry _________.
  • feeling hot or cold __________.
  • teased by someone __________.
  • hurt _________.
Answer :

When my pet dog is –

  • Hungry—I give him food
  • Feeling hot or cold—If feeling hot, I take it into my room and switch on the fan. If feeling cold, I put a blanket on it.
  • Teased by someone—I warn that person about my dog’s anger and ask not to tease it.
  • Hurt—If it gets hurt, I take it to the veterinary doctor.

Question 9 :

We keep some pet animals at home. We look after them too. In the table below are the names of some such animals. Complete the table.

Name of the animal Why do we keep them
  It gives milk.
  It pulls the cart.
  We love it.


Answer :

Name of the animal Why do we keep them
Dog Loyal pet, mostly kept for security.
Cow It gives milk.
Horse It pulls the cart.
Ox Helps in agriculture and towing heavy loads.
Hen Gives eggs.
Fish We love to keep it in the aquarium.
Parrot/Cat We love it.
Honeybee It gives honey and wax.

Question 10 :

Who eats what? Match by drawing lines of different colours. One example is shown.

Answer :

Question 11 :

Like us, animals also need water to live. There are many other things which are required by both – animals and humans. Write the names of three such things.

Answer :

There are many things which both animals and humans require—

  • Food
  • Water
  • Shelter
  • Medicines
  • Oxygen
  • Sunlight

Question 12 :

Why do you feed these animals?

Answer :

I fed these animals because they too need food to live just like us. Sometimes, the stray animals do not get food. So, we must help them by giving them food and water.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 13 :

Which animal did most children feed?

Answer :

Most of the children fed dogs and cats.

Question 14 :

Think, has any animal ever eaten your food against your will. How?

Answer :

Yes, once, my mother asked me to keep papads on the terrace for drying. But after sometime, I saw a crow nibbling the papads.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 15 :

Write the names of the animals—

You have touched You have not touched but you can touch You cannot touch
Answer :

You have touched You have not touched but you can touch You cannot touch
Dog Peacock Tiger
Cat Dolphin Cheetah
Squirrel Elephant Alligator
Parrot Deer Scorpion

[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 16 :

Read this picture and discuss in the class.

Answer :

It is clear from the picture that, when there are many birds in the garden, they control the insects, which can harm the fruits, trees, etc. The birds feed on the insects on the plants and keep the plants and fruits healthy. This way, the birds play a vital role in protecting trees and producing fruits. The above story also tells us that we are dependent on the animal kingdom for our survival.

Question 17 :

Have you ever fed any animal or seen anyone else feeding any animal? If yes, then fill in the table.

 Name of the animal you fed   What did you feed 
Answer :

 Name of the animal you fed   What did you feed 
 Cat   Chapatti with milk, fish 
 Sparrow   Grains 
 Dog   Boiled meat, chapatti, rice, eggs 
 Cow   Grass, legume, straw 
 Crow   Pieces of chapatti, grains 

[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 18 :

What did they feed?

Answer :

Children fed chapatti, milk, and biscuits to the dog. In the case of cats, the children gave rice, fish, and milk.

Question 19 :

Do you have these names in your list? Find out what these animals eat?

Rat     Cockroach     Pig     Bat     Crow
    Squirrel     Monkey     Spider     Lizard
Answer :

No, I don’t have these names in my list.

Animal What do they feed on
Rat Grains, food left open, nuts
Cockroach Food left open, small insects, rotting food items
Pig Garbage, insects, rotting food
Bat Flying insects, moths, fruits
Crow Grains, leftover food like rice, meat, dead animals, lizards, rats
Squirrel Nuts, fruits
Monkey Fruits, leaves
Spider Insects
Lizard Ants, insects, worms

Frequently Asked Questions

The NCERT solution for Class 3 Chapter 19: Our Friends Animal is important as it provides a structured approach to learning, ensuring that students develop a strong understanding of foundational concepts early in their academic journey. By mastering these basics, students can build confidence and readiness for tackling more difficult concepts in their further education. 

Yes, the NCERT solution for Class 3 Chapter 19: Our Friends Animal is quite useful for students in preparing for their exams. The solutions are simple, clear, and concise allowing students to understand them better. They can solve the practice questions and exercises that allow them to get exam-ready in no time.

You can get all the NCERT solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 19 from the official website of the Orchids International School. These solutions are tailored by subject matter experts and are very easy to understand. 

Yes, students must practice all the questions provided in the NCERT solution for Class 3 EVS Chapter 19: Our Friends Animal as it will help them gain a comprehensive understanding of the concept, identify their weak areas, and strengthen their preparation. 

Students can utilize the NCERT solution for Class 3 EVS Chapter 19 effectively by practicing the solutions regularly. Solve the exercises and practice questions given in the solution.

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