NCERT Solutions for Class5 EVS Chapter 9 - Up You Go!

Class 5 EVS Chapter 9 gives an introduction to mountaineering and the tools required for it, rock climbing, and the real-life experience of a mountain climber along with the hardships associated with it. Up You Go Class 5 EVS explains how people can achieve a common goal even if they speak different languages. The NCERT textbook (Looking Around) questions are answered in a simple and engaging manner. We also have related ‘Learning Concepts’, and interactive worksheets with solutions. Our ‘Learning Beyond’ segment caters to all the probable questions that the child might think out of curiosity. Download Chapter 9 Up You Go! in the PDF format for free.

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The NCERT Solutions for Class5 EVS Chapter 9 - Up You Go! are tailored to help the students master the concepts that are key to success in their classrooms. The solutions given in the PDF are developed by experts and correlate with the CBSE syllabus of 2023-2024. These solutions provide thorough explanations with a step-by-step approach to solving problems. Students can easily get a hold of the subject and learn the basics with a deeper understanding. Additionally, they can practice better, be confident, and perform well in their examinations with the support of this PDF.

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Students can access the NCERT Solutions for Class5 EVS Chapter 9 - Up You Go!. Curated by experts according to the CBSE syllabus for 2023–2024, these step-by-step solutions make EVS much easier to understand and learn for the students. These solutions can be used in practice by students to attain skills in solving problems, reinforce important learning objectives, and be well-prepared for tests.


Question 1 :

Have you ever seen the mountains? Have you also climbed a mountain? When and where?

Answer :

Yes, I have seen the mountains. Yes, I have climbed a mountain during my vacation in Dehradun. I didn’t climb the entire mountain, just a tiny part of it.

Question 2 :

How far have you walked at one time? How far can you walk?

Answer :

I have walked around 2-3 kilometres at one time. I think I can walk up to 8-9 kilometres.


Question 1 :

What do you think about the paths on the mountains? Draw a picture.

Answer :

I think the paths on the mountains are curvy and narrow.


Question 1 :

What do you think about the responsibilities of a group leader?

Answer :

The responsibilities of a group leader should be—
(i) Looking after all the group members.
(ii) Taking care of the general needs of all the members.
(iii) Keeping track of the trekking route.
(iv) Taking care of people if they fall sick.
(v) Supervise the arrangement of food and drinks for the group.
(vi) Pay special attention to the people who are climbing for the first time.

Question 2 :

Would you like to be the class monitor? Why?

Answer :

Yes, I would like to be the class monitor as it is challenging, and it will be an opportunity for me to explore my potentials and be confident.

Question 3 :

How would you feel if you were made a leader in such a camp?

Answer :

I would take it as an excellent opportunity to improve my confidence and skills.

Question 4 :

What does a monitor in your class have to do?

Answer :

The monitor of my class has the following responsibilities—
(i) Maintaining the discipline of the class
(ii) Keeping a note of the items required for the class such as chalk, duster etc.
(iii) Conveying the issues of the class to the teachers.

Find Out and Write

Question 1 :

Why do we need extra energy on the mountains?

Answer :

Our body uses more energy while climbing mountains because of the following reasons—
(i) We climb against the gravitational force.
(ii) We walk on rocks and rough surface.

Question 2 :

Have you ever done anything adventurous? If yes, tell your class. Write about it in your own words.

Answer :

The most adventurous thing I have done is river rafting with my parents while on vacation in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand. It was a thrilling experience. We wore life jackets, and had a guide in our raft. The river was choppy and our raft moved through it as we moved our oars.

Question 3 :

What else can we use if we want to cross a river in the mountains?

Answer :

We would need pitons, thick ropes and slings for crossing a river.

Question 4 :

Have you ever heard of anyone who has done something adventurous? What?

Answer :

Yes, one of my cousins went sea walking while he was on vacation in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Question 5 :

What kinds of tools are needed for climbing mountains?

Answer :

Some of the following tools are required for climbing mountains—climbing packs, ropes, harness, helmet, ice axe, belay device, snow protection gear, pulley, cord, shovel, probe, headlamp, batteries, map, compass, sleeping gear and oxygen cylinders. Apart from these, there several other things required while climbing a mountain.

Question 6 :

Have you ever seen a hook and rope being used for anything else? Where?

Answer :

Yes, I have seen a hook and rope used for many activities like drawing water from wells, hanging a heavy article etc. Mountaineers use hooks and ropes for climbing.


Question 1 :

Have you ever climbed a tree? How did you feel? Were you scared? Did you ever fall?

Answer :

Yes, I have climbed a tree. I felt good. Initially, I was not scared, but as I went up, I felt scared. I fell once and hurt my knees and elbows.

Question 2 :

Have you ever seen someone climb a small wall? What do you think is the difference between climbing a wall and climbing a high rock?

Answer :

Yes, I have seen my friend climbing a wall. Climbing a high rock is easier than climbing a wall. Rocks have rough surfaces, and one can get support for climbing, but in the case of the wall, due to smooth surface, there are chances of slipping and getting hurt.


Question 1 :

Why do you think Khondonbi would have sung loudly?

Answer :

Khondonbi was singing loudly to send signals to her teammates about her location.

Question 2 :

Is there anyone in your class whose language you do not understand, or who does not understand yours? What do you do in such a case?

Answer :

Yes, one of my friends is from Kerala, and I belong to Delhi. We both have difficulty communicating. We either speak in English, which we both know, or try using gestures to express ourselves.

Question 3 :

Have you ever lost your way? What did you do then?

Answer :

Yes, I had lost my way once. But instead of getting scared, I slowly walked along the road, and after sometime, I saw a doctor’s clinic which was familiar to me. The attendant at the clinic recognised me and called my father to inform him about my whereabouts.

Question 4 :

Have you ever seen someone doing something special to get over their fear? What and when?

Answer :

Yes, I have seen my younger brother close his eyes when he is afraid of something. By closing his eyes, he feels safe.


Question 1 :

Besides mountaineering, what are the other activities that can be called adventurous? Why?

Answer :

Activities other than mountaineering that can be considered adventurous, are scuba diving, paragliding, river rafting, bungee jumping, rock climbing, canyoneering etc. They are called so because these activities involve high risk, and can be done either by trained persons or under the guidance of an expert.

Question 2 :

Why do you think a drain was dug around the tent?

Answer :

The drain was dug around the tent so that insects, snakes, and scorpions may not reach the tent and fall in the drain.

Imagine and Write

Question 1 :

You are on a mountain. How do you feel there? What can you see? What do you feel like doing there?

Answer :

I feel thrilled on a mountain. I enjoy the natural beauty of the gigantic mountains, and I see the clouds, the blue sky, the trees and the birds. I feel like sitting there and relishing the lovely surroundings.


Question 1 :

Why did Bacchendri Pal put up the Indian flag on the peak?

Answer :

Bacchendri Pal put the Indian flag on the peak to honour our country.

Question 2 :

When have you seen our national flag being hoisted?

Answer :

The national flag is hoisted on national festivals like Independence Day and Republic Day.

Question 3 :

Collect information on our national flag.

Answer :

Our national flag was adopted on 22 July 1947. It was designed by Pingali Venkayya. The flag is horizontal and has a saffron top, green bottom, and in the middle, it is white with a navy-blue Ashok Chakra at the centre. It is made of Khadi, and each colour has its significance. It is the symbol of patriotism, honour and freedom for our country. The national flag shows the unity of the people in India despite their caste, culture, religion, race, class and language.

Question 4 :

Have you seen the flag of any other country? Where?

Answer :

I have seen flags of several countries when they are hoisted during international events like the Olympic Games.

What We Have Learnt

Question 1 :

Explain why it can be adventurous and challenging to climb a mountain. How would you prepare if you were to climb a mountain? What would you take with you? Write in your own words.

Answer :

The routes on mountains are rugged and full of twists and turns. It requires equipment and skills to trek the mountains successfully. Mountaineering gives us ample time to spend with nature. At the same time, while trekking one experiences a lot of different situations, which leads to the development of skills like decision-making, observation and leadership.
Mountain climbing is a challenging task and has its share of risks. People who trek sometimes suffer from mountain sickness, snow bites, sore feet and fatigue. One has to adjust to the natural environment of the mountains, and it is not easy at all. I would prepare myself for mountain climbing by doing regular physical exercise and taking special mountaineering training. I would take the following things with me if I ever go mountain climbing—thick ropes, slings, sticks, food, water, plastic sheets, diary, pen, torch, medicine, first aid kits etc. and the tools required for mountain climbing.

Frequently Asked Questions

The NCERT solution for Class 5 Chapter 9: Up You Go is important as it provides a structured approach to learning, ensuring that students develop a strong understanding of foundational concepts early in their academic journey. By mastering these basics, students can build confidence and readiness for tackling more difficult concepts in their further education. 

Yes, the NCERT solution for Class 5 Chapter 9: Up You Go is quite useful for students in preparing for their exams. The solutions are simple, clear, and concise allowing students to understand them better. They can solve the practice questions and exercises that allow them to get exam-ready in no time.

You can get all the NCERT solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 9 from the official website of the Orchids International School. These solutions are tailored by subject matter experts and are very easy to understand. 

Yes, students must practice all the questions provided in the NCERT solution for Class 5 EVS Chapter 9: Up You Go as it will help them gain a comprehensive understanding of the concept, identify their weak areas, and strengthen their preparation. 

Students can utilize the NCERT solution for Class 5 EVS Chapter 9 effectively by practicing the solutions regularly. Solve the exercises and practice questions given in the solution.

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