NCERT Solution Class 7 English Chapter 9 - A Bicycle in Good Repair

In Chapter 9 of the Honeycomb textbook for Class 7 English, we embark on a lighthearted journey through the narrative "A Bicycle in Good Repair." This chapter narrates a comical incident where the author's friend inadvertently ends up damaging his bicycle while trying to repair it, even though the bicycle was perfectly fine to begin with. As the story unfolds, the author attempts to dissuade his friend from this unnecessary endeavor, assuring him that the bicycle requires no repairs. However, the friend remains determined to tinker with it. This amusing story, laden with humor, offers an entertaining narrative for young readers. It not only provides a source of enjoyment but also imparts valuable lessons about the importance of understanding when something is in good condition and doesn't need fixing. Readers can find detailed solutions to the questions related to this chapter in the NCERT textbook. By navigating through the twists and turns of "A Bicycle in Good Repair," students will both delight in the humorous anecdotes and gain insights into the consequences of unnecessary actions. The chapter contributes to a holistic educational experience by combining humor with practical life lessons.

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The NCERT Solution Class 7 English Chapter 9 - A Bicycle in Good Repair are tailored to help the students master the concepts that are key to success in their classrooms. The solutions given in the PDF are developed by experts and correlate with the CBSE syllabus of 2023-2024. These solutions provide thorough explanations with a step-by-step approach to solving problems. Students can easily get a hold of the subject and learn the basics with a deeper understanding. Additionally, they can practice better, be confident, and perform well in their examinations with the support of this PDF.

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Access Answers to NCERT Solution Class 7 English Chapter 9 - A Bicycle in Good Repair

Students can access the NCERT Solution Class 7 English Chapter 9 - A Bicycle in Good Repair. Curated by experts according to the CBSE syllabus for 2023–2024, these step-by-step solutions make English much easier to understand and learn for the students. These solutions can be used in practice by students to attain skills in solving problems, reinforce important learning objectives, and be well-prepared for tests.

Comprehension Check

Question 1 :

 “I got up early, for me.” It implies that

(i) he was an early riser.

(ii) he was a late riser.

(iii) he got up late that morning.

Mark the correct answer.


Answer :

(ii) he was a late riser.


Question 2 :

The bicycle “goes easily enough in the morning and a little stiffly after lunch.” The remark is _________.

(i) humorous.

(ii) inaccurate.

(iii) sarcastic.

(iv) enjoyable.

(v) meaningless.

Mark your choice(s).


Answer :

(i) humorous


Question 3 :

The friend shook the bicycle violently. Find two or three sentences in the text which express the author’s disapproval of it.


Answer :

The sentences in the text which express the author’s disapproval of it are:

“Don’t do that; you’ll hurt it.”

“It doesn’t if you don’t wobble it.”

“Don’t you trouble about it anymore”


Question 4 :

“…if not, it would make a serious difference to the machine.” What does ‘it’ refer to?


Answer :

 “…if not, it would make a serious difference to the machine.”

It refers to the ball bearings of the bicycle.


Working with the text

Question 1 :

Nothing is easier than taking off the gear-case.” Comment on or continue this sentence in light of what actually happens.


Answer :

he author’s friend says, “Nothing is easier than taking off the gear-case.”

The author warns him that he had heard from one of his experienced friends that, “If anything goes wrong with your gear-case, sell the machine and buy a new one; it comes cheaper.”

The author’s friend doesn’t take it seriously and continues to take off the gear-case. Later, he struggles and is unable to put back the gear-case in its proper place.


Question 2 :

The friend has two qualities — he knows what he is doing and is absolutely sure it is good. Find the two phrases in the text which mean the same.


Answer :

The two phrases in the text which mean the same are:

  • Cheery confidence

  • Inexplicable hopefulness


Question 3 :

Did the front wheel really wobble? What is your opinion? Give a reason for your answer.


Answer :

No, the front wheel did not wobble much. We can say so because the author says “It didn’t wobble, as a matter of fact—nothing worth calling a wobble.”


Question 4 :

In what condition did the author find the bicycle when he returned from the tool shed?


Answer :

When the author returned from the tool shed, he saw that his friend was sitting on the ground with the front wheel of the bicycle between his legs. He was playing with it, twiddling it round between his fingers, and the rest was lying on the gravel path beside him.

Question 5 :

What special treatment did the chain receive?


Answer :

The author’s friend tightened the chain so much that it stopped moving completely. Then he began to loosen it. He loosened it until it became twice as loose as it was before.


Question 6 :

 Describe ‘the fight’ between the man and the machine. Find the relevant sentences in the text and write them.


Answer :

The author’s bicycle did not need any treatment. It was in good condition, but the friend of the author made it a big deal and messed it up. He actually made it such that now it would need a lot of repairs.

The fight between the man and the machine can be understood by the following paragraph in the text:

One moment the bicycle would be on the gravel path, and he on top of it; the next, the position would be reversed—he on the gravel path, the bicycle on him. Now he would be standing flushed with victory, the bicycle firmly fixed between his legs. But his triumph would be short-lived. By a sudden, quick movement, it would free itself and, turning upon him, hit him sharply over the head with one of its handles.


Working with language

Question 1 :

Read the following sentences.

• We should go for a long bicycle ride.

• I ought to have been firm.

• We mustn’t lose any of them.

• I suggested that he should hold the fork, and that I should handle the wheel.

The words in italics are modal auxiliaries. Modal auxiliaries are used with verbs to express notions such as possibility, permission, willingness, obligation, necessity, etc. ‘Should,’ ‘must’ and ‘ought to’ generally express moral obligation, necessity and desirability.

Look at the following.

• We should go on a holiday. (Suggestion: It is a good idea for us to go on a holiday.)

• He is not too well these days. He must see a doctor before he becomes worse. (Compulsion or necessity: It is absolutely essential or necessary for him to see a doctor.)

• You ought to listen to me. I am well over a decade older than you. (more emphatic than ‘should’: Since I am older than you, it is advisable that you listen to me.)

Note: ‘Should’ and ‘ought to’ are often used interchangeably.

Rewrite each of the following sentences using should/ ought to/must in place of the italicized words. Make other changes wherever necessary.

(i) You are obliged to do your duty irrespective of consequences.

(ii) You will do well to study at least for an hour every day.

(iii) The doctor says it is necessary for her to sleep eight hours every night.

(iv) It is right that you show respect towards elders and affection towards youngsters.

(v) If you want to stay healthy, exercise regularly.

(vi) It is good for you to take a walk every morning.

(vii) It is strongly advised that you don’t stand on your head.

(viii) As he has a cold, it is better for him to go to bed.


Answer :

(i) You must do your duty irrespective of consequences.

(ii) You should study at least for an hour every day.

(iii) The doctor says it is a must for her to sleep eight hours every night.

(iv) You ought to show respect towards elders and affection towards youngsters.

(v) If you want to stay healthy, you must exercise regularly.

(vi) You should take a walk every morning.

(vii) You must not stand on your head.

(viii) As he has a cold, he should go to bed.


Question 2 :

Use should/must/ought to appropriately in the following sentences.

(i) People who live in glass houses ________ not throw stones.

(ii) You ________ wipe your feet before coming into the house, especially during the rains.

(iii) You ________ do what the teacher tells you.

(iv) The pupils were told that they ________ write more neatly.

(v) Sign in front of a park: You ________ not walk on the grass.

(vi) You ________ be ashamed of yourself having made such a remark.

(vii) He left home at 9 o’clock. He ________ be here any minute.

(viii) “Whatever happened to the chocolate cake?”

“How ________ I know? I have just arrived.


Answer :

(i) People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

(ii) You must wipe your feet before coming into the house, especially during the rains.

(iii) You must do what the teacher tells you.

(iv) The pupils were told that they should write more neatly.

(v) Sign in front of a park: You must not walk on the grass.

(vi) You ought to be ashamed of yourself having made such a remark.

(vii) He left home at 9 o’clock. He should be here any minute.

(viii) “Whatever happened to the chocolate cake?”

“How should I know? I have just arrived.


Question 3 :

Two or more single sentences can be combined to form a single sentence.

Read the following.

I made an effort, and was pleased with myself.

This sentence is in fact a combination of two sentences.

• I made an effort.

• I was pleased with myself.

Now read this sentence.

I did not see why he should shake it.

This is also a combination of two sentences.

• I did not see (it).

• Why should he shake it?

Divide each of the following sentences into its parts. Write meaningful parts. If necessary, supply a word or two to make each part meaningful.

(i) I went to the tool shed to see what I could find. (3 parts)

(ii) When I came back he was sitting on the ground. (2 parts)

(iii) We may as well see what’s the matter with it, now it is out. (3 parts)

(iv) He said he hoped we had got them all. (3 parts)

(v) I had to confess he was right. (2 parts)


Answer :

(i) I went to the tool shed to see what I could find. (3 parts)

I went to the tool shed.

I went (there) to see.

What I could find.

(ii) When I came back he was sitting on the ground. (2 parts)

I came back.

He was sitting on the ground.

(iii) We may as well see what’s the matter with it, now it is out. (3 parts)

We may as well see.

What is the matter with it.

Now it is out.

(iv) He said he hoped we had got them all. (3 parts)

He said.

He hoped.

We had got them all.

(v) I had to confess he was right. (2 parts)

I had to confess.

He was right.


Question 4 :

‘en’ acts as a prefix (put at the beginning) or as a suffix (put at the end) to form new words.

en + courage = encourage

weak + en = weaken

‘en’ at the beginning or at the end of a word is not always a prefix or a suffix. It is then an integral part of the word.



(i) Now arrange the words given in the box under the three headings — prefix, suffix and part of the word.

encourage dampen listen

barren endanger soften

fasten enclose weaken

even enable enclave

en (prefix) en (suffix) en (part of word)

_______ _______ _______

_______ _______ _______

_______ _______ _______

_______ _______ _______

(ii) Find new words in your textbook and put them under the same headings.


Answer :

en (prefix) en (suffix) en (part of word)

encourage dampen listen

endanger soften barren

enable weaken even

enclose fasten enclave

(ii) evening garden enough when between dozen tighten loosen end ten open forgotten sudden

en (prefix): endangered, enact, entrap.

en (suffix): tighten, loosed, forgotten.

en (part of word): evening, garden, enough, when, dozen, end, ten, open, sudden.

Frequently Asked Questions

The NCERT solution for Class 7 Chapter 9 : A Bicycle In Good Repair is important as it provides a structured approach to learning, ensuring that students develop a strong understanding of foundational concepts early in their academic journey. By mastering these basics, students can build confidence and readiness for tackling more difficult concepts in their further education. 

Yes, the NCERT solution for Class 7 Chapter 9 : A Bicycle In Good Repair is quite useful for students in preparing for their exams. The solutions are simple, clear, and concise allowing students to understand them better. They can solve the practice questions and exercises that allow them to get exam-ready in no time.

You can get all the NCERT solutions for Class 7 English  Chapter 9  from the official website of the Orchids International School. These solutions are tailored by subject matter experts and are very easy to understand. 

Yes, students must practice all the questions provided in the NCERT solution for Class 7 English  Chapter 9 : A Bicycle In Good Repair as it will help them gain a comprehensive understanding of the concept, identify their weak areas, and strengthen their preparation. 

Students can utilize the NCERT solution for Class 7 English  Chapter 9  effectively by practicing the solutions regularly. Solve the exercises and practice questions given in the solution.

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