NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English Chapter 8 - A Short Monsoon Diary

Orchid offers NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 8, "A Short Monsoon Diary." If you're in search of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 8, you've come to the right place. We are a trusted and reliable educational institution in India, known for our extensive teaching experience. Our study materials are highly dependable and tailored to meet the needs of Class 8 students. Vedantu provides high-quality study materials and solutions that have been meticulously prepared and double-checked by our most experienced subject specialists. On this page, you can access the free PDF for NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 8, "A Short Monsoon Diary."

Access Answers to NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English Chapter 8 - A Short Monsoon Diary

Students can access the NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English Chapter 8 - A Short Monsoon Diary. Curated by experts according to the CBSE syllabus for 2023–2024, these step-by-step solutions make English much easier to understand and learn for the students. These solutions can be used in practice by students to attain skills in solving problems, reinforce important learning objectives, and be well-prepared for tests.

Comprehension Check

Question 1 :

Why is the author not able to see Bijju?


Answer :

 The monsoon engulfs the hills of Mussoorie with mist like a white blanket.

Question 2 :

What are the two ways in which the hills appear to change when the mist comes up?


Answer :

 The mist covers the whole area like a white blanket and gives a feel of nightfall. This silences the birds since they get an illusion of night and makes the forest still and silent.



Question 3 :

 When does the monsoon season begin and when does it end? How do you prepare to face the monsoon?


Answer :

The monsoon arrives in India from east and south. It begins around mid of May and reaches the northern part of India around the second week of June. The monsoon withdraws itself around September. We can prepare to face the monsoon by taking out our raincoats, boots and umbrellas and keeping them handy.


Question 4 :

Which hill station does the author describe in this diary entry?


Answer :

The author splendidly describes the beauty of Mussoorie.

Question 5 :

 For how many days does it rain without stopping? What does the author do on these days?


Answer :

The heavens rained for around eight or nine days without stopping. Since it was raining the author was bound to stay in his room and looked out of his window at a few umbrellas.


Question 6 :

Where do the snakes and rodents take shelter? Why?


Answer :

Roofs, attics and Godowns are a few places where snakes and rodents take shelter to protect themselves from rain.


Question 7 :

What did the author receive in the mail?


Answer :

A cheque was received by the author in the mail.

Working with Text

Question 1 :

Mention a few things that can happen when there is endless rain for days together.


Answer :

The weather and atmosphere become damp and soggy when it rains for days. The roads are full of puddles and algae blooms on rocks and wet, unclean floors. Flowers such as dahlias and begonias also appear. Landslides become a common phenomenon during rains in hilly regions.

Question 2 :

What is the significance of cobra lilies in relation to the monsoon season, its beginning and end?


Answer :

Cobra lily first appears when the monsoon begins and its seeds turn red when the monsoon ends.

Question 3 :

Look carefully at the diary entries for June 24-25, August 2, and March 23. Now write down the changes that happen as the rains progress from June to March.


Answer :

June 24 was the day when the monsoon mist appeared. It engulfed the hills and the forests were frozen in utter silence. The showers hit on June 25 and nature welcomed it with open arms, devouring its every drop. The cobra lily also appeared. It rained for a few days and by 2 August people became weary of the monsoon and there was just a tropical downpour. People were forced to stay in their homes and cancel all their plans. Snakes and rodents had to take shelter in attics and godowns. The sky became clearer by March 23 and a rainbow was seen across the clear sky.

Question 4 :

 Why did the grandmother ask the children not to kill the Chuchundar?


Answer :

Chuchundar was a symbol of luck and hence grandmother refrained the kids from killing it. She said that it brings money to the home of the visitor.

Question 5 :

What signs do we find in Nature which show that the monsoons are about to end?


Answer :

The seeds of cobra lily turn red as monsoon departures. Flowers like wild balsam, begonias and ground orchids also appear.

Question 6 :

‘Although tin roofs are given to springing unaccountable leaks, there is a feeling of being untouched by, and yet in touch with, the rain.’

(i) Why has the writer used the word, ‘springing’?

(ii) How is the writer untouched by the rain?

(iii) How is the writer in touch with the rain at the same time?


Answer :

(i) The roofs develop leaks from unexpected spots during monsoon. The word ‘springing’ means to develop suddenly.

(ii) The tin roof physically stops the rain drops from touching the writer.

(iii) The drumming sound of the rain on the corrugated roof announces the presence of the rain without being in physical contact with it. Its presence keeps the writer in touch with the rain at the same time.

Question 7 :

Complete the following sentences.

(i) Bijju is not seen but his voice is heard because ____________.

(ii) The writer describes the hill station and valley as ___________.

(iii) The leopard was successful in ______________but had to flee when ____________.

(iv) The minivets are easily noticed because ____________.

(v) It looks like a fashion display on the slopes when ____________.

(vi) During the monsoon season, snakes and rodents are found in roofs and attics because ____________.


Answer :

(i) of the mist in the surroundings.

(ii) a paradise that might have been.

(iii) attacking one of Bijju’s cows, Bijju’s mother came screaming curses.

(iv) of their bright colours.

(v) ground orchids, mauve lady’s slipper and the white butterfly orchids bloom.

Working with Language

Question 1 :

Here are some words that are associated with the monsoon. Add as many words as you can to this list. Can you find words for these in your languages?

downpour       floods      mist         cloudy         powercuts     cold       umbrella


Answer :

More words are:




Paper boats


Words for these in the local language are barish, baad, kohara, baadal, chaata, moosaladhaar barish.

Question 2 :

Put the verbs in the brackets into their proper forms. The first one is done for you.

(i) We (get out) of the school bus. The bell (ring) and everyone (rush) to class.

(ii) The traffic (stop). Some people (sit) on the road and they (shout) slogans.

(iii) I (wear) my raincoat. It (rain) and people (get) wet.

(iv) She (see) a film. She (narrate) it to her friends who (listen) carefully.

(v) We (go) to the exhibition. Some people (buy) clothes while others (play) games.

(vi) The class (is) quiet. Some children (read) books and the rest (draw).


Answer :

(i) We got out of the school bus. The bell was ringing and everyone was rushing to class.

(ii) The traffic stopped. Some people were sitting on the road and they were shouting slogans.

(iii) I wore my raincoat. It was raining and people were getting wet.

(iv) She saw a film. She was narrating it to her friends who were listening carefully.

(v) We went to the exhibition. Some people were buying clothes while others were playing games.

(vi) The class was quiet. Some children were reading books and the rest were drawing.

Question 3 :

 Here are some words from the lesson which describe different kinds of sounds.

drum, swish,  tinkle, caw, drip

(i) Match these words with their correct meanings.

(a) to fall in small drops

(b) to make a sound by hitting a surface repeatedly

(c) to move quickly through the air, making a soft sound

(d) harsh sound made by birds

(e) ringing sound (of a bell or breaking glass, etc.)


(ii) Now fill in the blanks using the correct form of the words given above.

(a) Ramesh ______________on his desk in impatience.

(b) Rain water _____________ from the umbrella all over the carpet.

(c) The pony ____________its tail.

(d) The ___________of breaking glass woke me up.

(e) The ____________of the raven disturbed the child’s sleep.


Answer :


(a) drip

(b) drum

(c) swish

(d) caw

(e) tinkle



(a) drummed

(b) dripped

(c) swished

(d) tinkling

(e) cawing

Question 4 :

 Complete each sentence below by using an appropriate phrase from the ones given below.

sure enough, colourful enough, serious enough, kind enough, big enough, 

fair enough,  brave enough, foolish enough, anxious enough

(i) I saw thick black clouds in the sky. And _____________it soon started raining heavily.

(ii) The blue umbrella was ______________ for the brother and sister.

(iii) The butterflies are _____________ to get noticed.

(iv) The lady was _____________ to chase the leopard.

(v) The boy was ______________ to call out to his sister.

(vi) The man was _____________ to offer help.

(vii) The victim’s injury was ______________for him to get admitted in hospital.

(viii) That person was ____________ to repeat the same mistake again.

(ix) He told me he was sorry and he would compensate for the loss. I said, ‘___________ ___________.’


Answer :

(i) sure enough

(ii) big enough

(iii) colourful enough

(iv) brave enough

(v) anxious enough

(vi)  kind enough

(vii) serious enough

(viii) foolish enough

(ix) fair enough


Question 1 :

Do you believe in superstitions? Why, or why not? Working with your partner, write down three superstitious beliefs that you are familiar with.


Answer :

No, I don’t believe in superstitions because I consider it a very vague way to predict the future, especially negative events. Three common superstitions in my country are that a black cat crossing the road in front of you means arrival of bad luck, itchy palm signifying arrival of money and a black crow cawing in the periphery of your home means a guest would arrive.


Question 2 :

How many different kinds of birds do you come across in the lesson? How many varieties do you see in your neighbourhood? Are there any birds that you used to see earlier in your neighbourhood but not now? In groups discuss why you think this is happening.


Answer :

Minivets, tree creepers, crows and drongos are some of the birds mentioned in the chapter. I have come across birds like sparrows, pigeons and mayna. Earlier we could see some parakeets and ashy prinia. We don’t see them often now because of increased pollution and settlement in the area, the wildlife has deteriorated. The forests are being cut which reduces the shelter and habitat of these birds and is a prime reason for their extinction.


Question 1 :

The monsoons are a time of great fun and even a few adventures: playing in the rain and getting wet, wading through knee-deep water on your way to school, water flooding the house or the classroom, power cuts and so on.

Write a paragraph describing an incident that occurred during the rains which you can never forget.


Write a poem of your own about the season of spring when trees are in full bloom.


Answer :

My sister and I eagerly wait for rain every year. It’s our tradition to make paper boats and swim them in the puddles that get formed on the road. It is always as thrilling as the first time. We run around with our umbrellas, drenched in water from head to toe trying to make the most of the rainy season. The moments become more special when we are joined by our cousins. The game became even more fun and we did a small boat race too. It’s a memory that I always cherish and revisit.


It’s the time 

when nature enchants mankind.

The flowers dot the earth with colours

and their fragrance intoxicates the air.

After a season of white heaven,

colours dance on earth again.

To welcome love and warmth

into the heart of the mortals again.

Everyone watches in awe

the beauty nature spreads beneath our feet

And it makes us realize

how enchanting life can be again,

after a stagnant, dull period.


Frequently Asked Questions

The NCERT solution for Class 8  Chapter 8 :   A Short Monsoon Diary is important as it provides a structured approach to learning, ensuring that students develop a strong understanding of foundational concepts early in their academic journey. By mastering these basics, students can build confidence and readiness for tackling more difficult concepts in their further education.

Yes, the NCERT solution for Class 8  Chapter 8 :   A Short Monsoon Diary is quite useful for students in preparing for their exams. The solutions are simple, clear, and concise allowing students to understand them better. They can solve the practice questions and exercises that allow them to get exam-ready in no time.

You can get all the NCERT solutions for Class 8 English  Chapter 8  from the official website of the Orchids International School. These solutions are tailored by subject matter experts and are very easy to understand. 

Yes, students must practice all the questions provided in the NCERT solution for Class 8 English   Chapter 8 :   A Short Monsoon Diary as it will help them gain a comprehensive understanding of the concept, identify their weak areas, and strengthen their preparation. 

Students can utilize the NCERT solution for Class 8 English  Chapter 8  effectively by practicing the solutions regularly. Solve the exercises and practice questions given in the solution.

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